Getting Prompt, Immediate Financial Help After a Car Accident

A car accident can result in painful injuries, but in many cases it also results in financial worries. Will your insurance cover all the costs of your injury? How long will you have to wait to get compensation? Will you lose income or future earning opportunities if you can’t work because of your injuries?

The reality is that after a car accident in Hollywood or any South Florida community, it’s natural to have questions and it’s important to protect your finances. Flaxman Law Group would be pleased to offer advice and representation if you have been injured and need to negotiate with insurance carriers or file a claim. Contact our law firm today to schedule a free accident consultation to review your options.


Common Financial Problems After a Traffic Collision

Whether you’ve been injured in a pedestrian accident, sideswipe T-bone, or head-on collision in Hollywood or South Florida, there is a confluence of a series of events that could lead to financial problems:

  • You may find that you face medical costs, such as surgery, a hospital stay, and long-term treatment because of your injuries
  • You may be unable to work, which can affect your earning potential right away, and can affect your ability to get promotions in the near future
  • You may be unsure of the extent of your injuries or the total costs by the time you need to evaluate an insurance offer
  • You may be unsure whether you need to apply for Social Security or other benefits
  • You may need to replace your car, mobile devices, and any other property damaged in the collision
  • You may find you have lots of incidental, immediate expenses – such as taxi cab rides or at-home help while you’re injured

All of these can add up much more than people realize. Medical costs alone can add up to more than $100 000 per year for people who have been seriously injured. Even incidental expenses – like installing a ramp if you need to be in a wheelchair and hiring a cleaning service and other assistance – can add up to tens of thousands of dollars. While your expenses are increasing, your ability to earn may be at a standstill if you can’t return to work, putting you in immediate stress.

Common Money Mistakes After a Car Crash

The worst thing you can do after a car accident is not worry about money. You need to consider your health, including your financial health, right away. Immediately taking a look at your debts, bills, possible sources of income, and budget can help you determine your financial situation and may help you find places to trim expenses.

You need immediate assistance to protect your assets. One of the smartest calls you can make is to a personal injury attorney. An attorney like Charles Flaxman of Flaxman Law Group understands the common costs of injuries like yours and can help you determine whether you have a claim. If you do, an attorney can handle all the details of pursuing that claim. If negotiating with insurance companies or pursuing other avenues is a possibility, an attorney can represent you or support you in your search for compensation.

If you’ve been injured and need immediate support, the legal team at Flaxman Law Group is always standing by. Contact our law firm today for a free accident consultation.