How Many Aggressive Drivers Are in Hollywood & South Florida?

There may be more than we think. According to the AAA, 80% of drivers polled across the country have admitted to driving angry or to road rage or have admitted to aggression while driving within the past twelve months.


Aggressive driving and road rage can include:

  • Cutting off or blocking other motorists
  • Shouting at drivers
  • Making obscene gestures
  • Tailgating
  • Excessive horn honking
  • Speeding due to anger

Safety experts say men are more likely to drive aggressively than women, but everyone is at risk. And aggressive driving can easily turn into deadly car crashes. In fact, according to the AAA, 56% of fatal collisions may be linked to road rage or aggressive driving.

According to experts, there are several things you can do to avoid being in a road rage collision:

1) Be tolerant.

Other drivers may make mistakes or unexpected maneuvers. Try to remain calm and be compassionate towards other motorists. Be courteous and polite yourself.

2) Don’t engage in aggressive drivers.

If you see an aggressive driver, report it and stay out of their way. If an aggressive driver targets you, don’t go home. If someone is following you, tailgating you, or is trying to block you or run you off the road, contact 911 or drive to a public place, police station, or fire station for assistance. Avoid engaging the other driver in any way. Try to avoid eye contact and do not return gestures or aggressive words. That can cause the situation to escalate quickly and could put you at greater risk.

3) Check your emotions before getting in the car.

Avoid driving if you are feeling angry, stressed, or upset. You may be more vulnerable if someone cuts you off or is impolite on the road. Try to drive when you are calm and can put your full focus on getting to your destination safely.

4) Take a break.

If you find yourself getting upset while on the road, pull over or drive to a café or rest station. Take a few deep breaths and relax for a short while until you can get your emotions back under control. Do not continue driving when you’re upset or angry, as minor things can cause you to lose control of your temper.

5) If you get angry frequently, talk to someone.

If you find yourself getting angry or upset often or if you have trouble controlling your temper, there are solutions to help you control your emotions. Seek help from a doctor, therapist, counselor, or support group. Individuals with anger control problems may have a harder time avoiding aggressive driving and may be more at risk on the roads. Help is available to help you avoid a terrible collision in Hollywood or your community.

If you been injured by an aggressive driver or by road rage incident in Hollywood or anywhere in southern Florida, contact Flaxman Law Group for a free accident consultation. Our compassionate legal team would be pleased to offer you a free case analysis so you understand where you stand with legal options.