Golf Cart Injuries in Florida

In Hollywood, Miami and other South Florida communities, golf is a very popular activity. The warm weather allows for golfing year-round and the region has some of the best greens in the country. Golf carts are a part of the game and with a large population of seniors in South Florida, golf carts are often used to get around a course.


However, golf carts are not just used at the golf course. In many cases, residents use these vehicles to get around. In fact, street-legal golf carts are permitted by federal laws on streets with speed limits of 35 mph. Putting golf carts, even street-legal ones, on the road with much larger vehicles which are allowed to drive much faster can be dangerous.

In fact, more than 10,000 emergency room visits across the country each year are related to golf carts. In addition, deaths can occur with these vehicles.

Why Golf Cart Injuries Happen in Hollywood and Florida

There are a number of reasons why golf carts can lead to injury. These vehicles, even when road-ready, do not have the enclosed space and safety systems of a full vehicle. They do not have the same crumple zones as a full passenger car, for example. In the event of a car accident, the occupant may be more likely to be thrown from the vehicle.

Since these vehicles go slow, a driver may not be able to speed up to get out of the way and to avoid a collision. In addition, the smaller size can make these vehicles harder to see. Finally, golf carts do have a risk of rollovers and some riders have been injured or killed by rolling into ditches.

Common Injuries

Common injuries which result from golf cart single-vehicle accidents and collisions involving other drivers include:

  • Fractures
  • Amputations
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Head trauma
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Fatalities
  • Foot injuries
  • Facial injuries
  • Road burn

Unfortunately, since golf carts are often marketed towards seniors, injuries can be complicated. A senior who is injured in a golf cart accident may take longer to recover from their injuries than a younger adult who is more protected in a passenger car.

What to do After a Cart Accident

If you have been injured in a golf cart accident in Hollywood or anywhere in South Florida, contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with a Hollywood car accident attorney.  Our legal team has more than 60 years of combined experience and our offices in Hollywood, Miami, and Homestead serve the entire South Florida area. We have already recovered tens of millions of dollars on behalf of injured plaintiffs; contact us today to find out whether you have a claim.