Being Injured in a Hotel in Miami or Florida

When you travel for business or for a vacation to Miami, you expect your hotel to be a comfortable place to retreat after a long day. Hotels in the city can be quiet expensive and of course you expect that these facilities will do all they can to make your stay pleasant and safe. In fact, many guests don’t even think about safety when checking into a hotel. On vacation, many of us turn our usual worries off and we don’t expect to have to be concerned about safety. Unfortunately, this can make us even more vulnerable.

The reality is that many people suffer serious injury in hotels in Miami and across Florida each year. The state attracts many tourists and while some hotels and motels are very careful about guest safety and security, some are not. Some guests suffer head injuries in their Miami hotel rooms due to poor building maintenance or rickety furniture. In some cases, guests become victims of assault, theft, or other crimes because hotels are negligent with security or fail to screen employees. These situations can not only ruin a trip but can also result in devastating and expensive injuries.


Types of Hotel Negligence

Hotel negligence can come in many forms, including:

  • Slippery floors
  • Negligent security
  • Unsteady furniture
  • Poorly screened employees
  • Unsafe pools
  • Debris on the floor
  • Aggressive security staff
  • Infestations of pests
  • Unsafe stairwells
  • Faulty wiring
  • Criminal activity due to inadequate security
  • Poor lighting in hallways and other areas
  • Poorly maintained elevators

Whether you have suffered a slip and fall accident, have been attacked, or have suffered an injury in some other way, it is important to consult with a personal injury attorney if your injuries occurred at a hotel or other business property. In these cases, you may have a legal claim that helps you secure compensation for your medical bills, property damage, lost income, and more. However, hotels and motels tend to be owned by large companies staffed with attorneys. Even if the hotel was at fault for your injuries, they may deny fault or may even try to get you to sign away your rights. Don’t let this happen to you.

Getting Legal Help

If you have been injured, you deserve the best medical care so that you can heal as fully as possible. You don’t deserve money worries and stress over your financial situation. Unfortunately, that is what can happen if you do not secure your rights and seek legal advice right away. As soon as possible after you are injured, contact an experienced attorney so that you can start taking the steps needed to protect yourself. Don’t check out or accept any offers until you have legal advice from an attorney looking out for your best interests.
While hotel staff may be very helpful after your injury and while the staff may offer legal advice in the form of their own attorney, keep in mind that these employees are working for the hotel and may not have your best interests in mind. When you work with a personal injury attorney, that attorney is looking out for your rights and protecting your future. If you have been injured, you can always reach Flaxman Law Group if you would like legal advice. Our law firm phone lines are staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so you can always reach us from your hotel or motel. Your initial consultation is free and comes with no obligation, so at least get some legal advice before you make a decision about your next steps.