7 New Year’s Resolutions to Avoid Personal Injuries in 2023

As we look forward to the new year, many of us are making plans to help us live a better life over the next 12 months. The resolutions you make can also help you stay safer. Here are seven resolutions that can help you avoid personal injury:

1) Take a course. A class like a first aid class or a defensive driving refresher class can help you build on your skills and can help make you safer in the new year.

2) Get serious about your car. Plan to take good care of your car so it responds the way you expect it to. If it’s been a while since you’ve had your car updated, you may want to invest in new technology that can help you stay safer or you may even want to invest in your own driver training with refresher courses to make sure you’re safe behind the wheel.

3) Get more sleep. Fatigued driving is a major contributor to traffic accidents. In addition, fatigue also leads to workplace accidents, trip and fall injuries, and other injuries. Getting a good night’s sleep can improve your cardiac health, your overall health, and reduce your injury risk.

4) Evaluate what you eat and drink. Think about what you put in your body. Over the counter medications, alcohol, illicit drugs, and other substances all have side effects. In addition to eating healthier so that you enjoy better health, evaluating your medications with a pharmacist can help you come up with a plan to minimize side effects that could increase your risk of falls.

5) Make home changes. If you’re planning on home renovations in the upcoming year, plan for safety, too. Upgrading your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors, for example, can help you reduce the risk of burn injuries and smoke inhalation. Installing grab bars in the bathrooms or no slip surfaces on floors can also help you prevent at home injury.

6) Be more mindful. Meditation and mindfulness can reduce stress. Staying present is also important for avoiding distraction, which is a major cause of injuries and car accidents.

7) Exercise. Exercise is one of the most common goals for most people in the new year. There is a safety reason to go to the gym, too. The more you build your core and your flexibility, the more you reduce your risk of falls and injuries. Even if you’re in a car accident, having excellent health can help you reduce the risk of serious complications and injuries.

If you are injured, it can be helpful to know who to call. If you’re injured through someone’s negligence, you may have a claim and may be able to seek compensation for your losses. To find out more, call Flaxman Law Group at 866-352-9626 or contact us online to schedule a free, no obligation case consultation.