A Good Emergency Kit Can Help After a Florida Car Crash

If you become stranded on the road or are in a car accident and must wait for help to arrive, having an emergency kit can help you immensely. If you are stranded for an extended period of time in an isolated location, having an emergency kit can save your life. While there are ready-made kits available in stores, creating your own is usually less expensive and more practical. Here are some items you may want to include in your kit:

1) Food and water. Water in a non-breakable plastic container is important if you are stranded and can be useful for cleaning out minor wounds in the event of a car accident. Non-perishable foods such as energy bars can also help you stay nourished if you need to wait for some time for help to arrive.

2) An additional set of clothes and shoes as well as blankets. If you are in a car accident that results in a serious injury such as a head injury, spinal cord injury, or other serious injury, a victim may go into shock. While it may not be safe to move this person, being able to place a blanket over them can help them conserve body temperature. If you are stranded on a cool evening and must wait for help, blankets and extra clothes can help ensure that you stay comfortable.

3) Flashlight. A flashlight can help you alert passers-by of your predicament if you crash over a bank or roll away from the main road. A light is also useful if you are stranded in the dark. A candle and matches can also be used, but make sure that the candle is large (and will burn for a long time) and in a deep container (to avoid the flame from coming into contact with your skin or clothes.

4) A fire extinguisher and jumper cables. While these are not strictly necessary, they can be very useful in the event of a fire resulting from a car accident or in the event of car failure.

5) A good first aid kit. This kit should include tape, tweezers, scissors, an assortment of bandages, non-latex gloves, antiseptic wipes, cotton swabs, ointment or cream for minor cuts and wounds, aspirin and a detailed first aid guide. Taking a first-aid course is very useful in learning how to use the first-aid kit in the event of an accident.