Infant Accidents: The Most Tragic Child Injury Cases

While injuries to Florida minors and children are always tragic, injuries and accidents that occur to babies can be especially tragic. Since babies are so fragile, even minor accidents and injuries can have serious repercussions. Plus, since infants are not able to talk, injuries may go unnoticed and determining what is wrong can be challenging. It is not always possible to notice a brain injury or even a skin problem at once, which is why it is crucial to take children to see a medical professional if any injury has occurred. Once infants become more mobile, especially, their curiosity and desire to explore can lead them into dangerous situations. Parents can reduce infant injuries by:

1) Look at their homes from an infant’s perspective. Get down on your hands and kneed and you will quickly see the dangerous items within a child’s reach. Remove every fragile item that can be broken as well as anything that can be placed in the infant’s mouth and may cause a choking hazard. Check each room on your hands and knees, collecting small and potentially hazardous items. You will have to do this regularly, since some of the commonplace objects that can fall on the floor – including pens, buttons, and other items – can be dangerous for an infant.

2) Check your baby’s clothes. Not all clothes are safe. Any too-large item can pose a choking hazard if your infant struggles out of the clothing. No infant’s clothing should have drawstrings, headbands, ribbons, strips of fabric or loose strings – all can be dangerous, as can necklaces. Simple baby clothes are best.

3) Look for loose cords in your home. Any electrical, telephone and window-treatment cords should be tied up well out of baby’s reach.

4) Check you baby’s crib for safety. Stuffed toys, loose bedding, and pillows should not be kept in the crib. Once your child can sit up, remove bumper pads as well. The crib sides should be even with the footboard and headboard and the railings should be only 2 3/8 inches apart or less. Make sure that the mattress fits firmly in the crib and if a mattress cover is needed, choose one with a zipper. Make sure that the crib itself is newer and has not been recalled due to safety issues. Check with the manufacturer periodically to ensure that the crib has not been recalled. Make sure that the crib is well out of the way of windows, diaper bags, or mobiles.

5) Once your baby begins to crawl, he or she will try to pull himself or herself up by furniture. This is the time to remove tablecloths, hanging objects, and other dangers. Make sure that every piece of furniture is sturdy and attached to the wall. Lock any cupboards and closet doors that lead to storage areas that contain household chemicals and other dangerous goods. Be especially wary of televisions, which can easily tip over.

If your child has been harmed due to a defective product or someone’s recklessness, it is important to get the best possible medical treatment for your child. Florida law protects you and your child and ensures that you qualify for assistance if your injury was caused by someone’s recklessness. If your child has been injured, a Florida attorney can secure your rights and can ensure that you get all the help you are entitled to under the law. Speaking with an attorney costs nothing and comes with no obligation. To talk to a qualified Florida lawyer, call 1- 800-535-2962 (1 800 5 FLAXMAN).