Act Now to Prevent a Fort Lauderdale Car Accident This New Year
Many people at this time of year are planning their New Year’s Eve celebrations. If you are as well, it is important to plan well in advance not only to have a great time but also to avoid a Fort Lauderdale drunk driving accident. Unfortunately, the New Year is a high-risk time for these types of Fort Lauderdale car accidents, since some revelers ring in the New Year by making bad decisions. To avoid this, there are several things you can do now to enjoy a safe and happy New Year’s Eve:
1) Consider your New Year’s Eve celebrations carefully. Most cities offer alcohol-free or family-friendly activities as well as other options. Choosing an alcohol-free event ensures that you will not be drinking and therefore are less at risk of a Fort Lauderdale car accident.
2) Consider taking public transportation to and from the event. Many areas offer free transportation or free late-night public transport for revelers on New Year’s Eve. Find out whether this is available in your area. If it is, you may wish to consider taking public transit to and from your New Year’s Eve celebration. This way, you will not even be tempted to drive after drinking. Before your New Year’s Eve celebration, print out information about the routes available using public transport as well as the hours public transportation is available.
3) Make plans for waiting if you will be getting a cab home. On most nights, if you want to avoid a Fort Lauderdale traffic accident caused by drunk driving, you can simply call a cab in order to get home safely. On New Year’s Eve, however, taxi cab companies are often overwhelmed with requests. It can be hard to reach a cab company and get a cab. If you do want a taxi, you will generally have a long wait in front of you. Therefore, you will want to plan ahead. Find ways to wait patiently. This may mean setting your mobile device to alert you about an hour before you want to leave your event. This way, you can call a cab company an hour before you want the taxi to show up. Another option is to find a 24-hour diner or another place to wait for a cab.
4) Do not rely on a designated driver or public transport alone. You may decide to stay out later than you expected, long after public transport is no longer available. Your designated driver may decide to drink after all or may leave earlier than you. To get home safely, have multiple plans in place so that you can get home safely, no matter how your night turns out.
If you are injured by a drunk driver, contact a personal injury attorney in order to get information about your rights and options. The Flaxman Law Group is a full-service law firm with extensive experience in car accident cases and drunk driving cases. If you need to contact the Flaxman Law Group during the holiday season, the Flaxman Law Group phone lines will continue to be staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week so that you can always reach a live person to discuss your rights and options.