How to Identify & Reduce Florida Personal Injury Risks

In many cases, Florida personal injuries, including Florida spinal cord injuries, burn injuries and other permanent injuries, are quite preventable. In many cases, obvious or noticeable hazards exist which can lead to injury. When these dangers are not removed, an injury often takes place. The good news is that there are many things you can do to help prevent serious injuries:

1) Get aware and find out the causes. At home, at work, and at play, note any dangerous conditions or hazards which can cause injuries. Poor lighting or inadequate signage in the workplace, for example, can lead to injuries and Florida workers compensation claims. When you see a danger, find out why that danger exists and who is responsible so that you can make changes. For example, at work do you bring your concerns before your employer or your manager for the best results?

2) Speak up. When you see a danger, speak up and ask for specific changes. If your apartment does not have functioning smoke detectors or fire extinguishers, you are more at risk. Ask your landlord to provide these items by a specific date and follow up to ensure that the alarms and extinguishers are there when and if you need them.

3) Raise awareness. If you notice something that concerns you on a large scale – such as laws which you think may lead to more Florida trucking accidents – make sure that others are aware of your opinions. There are many ways to raise awareness and stop accidents. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper, start a blog, and join an advocacy group (or start one!).

4) Talk to your elected representatives. The people who represent you in politics are paid by your tax money and have taken a vow to represent your voice. If you notice serious problems – such as dangerous intersections or faulty street lights – write to your local representatives at the local level to ask for changes. If this is not effective, write to state representatives.

If you have sustained a Florida personal injury, contact the Flaxman Law Group for assistance. Proud to represent Miami, Homestead, Hollywood, and surrounding South Florida communities, the Flaxman Law Group has extensive experience assisting Florida personal injury survivors. Call today for a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your case.