Sending Your Teen to College? Help Prevent Campus Injuries

If you have a teen headed to college for the first time, there is probably a lot of excitement in the air. Moving away from home for the first time and starting college life is a major milestone. It brings many new opportunities and much excitement, but it also brings some challenges and risks. Your teen may not be worried about safety at school, but it is something you will want to keep in mind. While college campuses are generally safe in the US, each year crimes and accidents do occur on college property and instances of violence on campus keep parents anxious. You can keep your new student safer if you:

1) Find out about personal safety precautions on campus. Colleges are held liable if they do not take precautions to help keep students safe, but many students are unaware of the safety features of their campus. Many Florida premises liability lawsuits occur when campuses do not take due precautions. Find out about the safety features of your child’s school and make sure your teen knows where to find help on campus. If there is a walk-home safe program for late night study sessions, make sure your teen knows. If there are emergency buttons on campus or a security station, let your teen know. Find out if the school has an emergency preparedness plan in the event of an instance of violence. If there are known dangers or issues at the school, join other concerned parents and students in alerting the school.

2) Help your teen select safe appliances and accessories for the dorm room. When your teen is choosing items for the dorm, consider safety as well as functionality. Make sure to check about dorm rules before buying items such as candles, microwave ovens, and toasters; some dorms do not allow these types of appliances.

3) If your college student is heading to school with their own car, give them a going-away gift: have the car serviced. A well-maintained car is more likely to respond correctly and could help save your teen’s life. If your teen is going away to college in a state with harsh winters, give your teen free winter driving lessons and winter tires. If your teen has always driven in Florida, he or she may know how to avoid Florida car accidents but may struggle with winter driving.

4) Create an emergency kit for your teen. Include a first aid kit, a cell phone, a list of emergency numbers, and useful safety tips. You may also want to include a basic tool kit and sewing kit for less-serious “emergencies.”

5) Talk to your teen about safety at home. If your teen has never lived away from home, review the basics of fire safety and personal safety when living away from home. Review things such as locking the door and using caution on campus. Many teens know the basics, but reviewing safety rules is important for building good, safe habits.

If you or your student are injured by someone’s recklessness or negligence, contact the Flaxman Law Group for a free accident consultation. You may be eligible for more compensation under Florida law than you realize. With law offices in Miami, Homestead, and Hollywood, the Flaxman Law Group is proud to serve the entire South Florida community. Put our decades of experience to work for you today.