As We Near Labor Day, Let’s Think About Workplace Safety in Homestead
Workplace injuries in Homestead and other Florida communities are a serious concern. They cause everything from pain and suffering to fractures, crushing injuries, head trauma, and many other types of life altering and even fatal injuries. No one goes to work expecting to be injured, but this is still a reality for many employees in South Florida and across the country.
Fortunately, workers can do several things, starting this Labour Day, to reduce their risk of injuries:
- Get a good night’s sleep: Fatigued driving and fatigued work are linked to lower productivity as well as an increased risk of injuries. In fact, good sleep is so important that some industries, such as the trucking industry, dictate how much rest their workers must get. Getting adequate rest is important to keep you safe at work and to help you get ahead in your career. If you notice you’re getting enough hours but are still waking up tired, visit your doctor to make sure you don’t have a sleep disorder.
- Leave distractions behind: Distraction in the workplace can lead to devastating accidents, especially if you work anywhere near large machinery or dangerous chemicals. Even in an office, a distraction can cause trip and fall, slip and fall, and other types of accidents and injuries. When at work, focus on one task at a time and leave distractions such as cell phones behind.
- Find ways to reduce the stress of the commute: Your commute may be the most dangerous part of your day. When getting to and from work, consider how you can get there safely. This may mean carefully mapping your route to avoid stressful streets and high traffic areas. It may mean carpooling so you can break up travelling duties with someone else. It may also mean taking some work from home days or taking public transit.
- Ventilate your workplace: Opening a window and properly ventilating your workplace, if you can, helps you avoid some of the air quality dangers which exist in many workplaces. Ventilating your workplace can also help you feel better and less distracted on the job.
- Understand the risks of the job: Each job has its unique risks. If you work in an office, that may be repetitive stress injuries. If you work with heavy machinery or at heights, your main dangers could be falls or crushing entries. Understand the risks of your job and take action to lower those specific risks.
- Work out during the year: If you don’t yet have a workout regimen, consider setting one up with a coworkers or with a friend or family member to get in shape. When you are in good shape and have a strong core, you may be less likely to be injured.
- Get regular doctor’s checkups: Each type of employment places different stress on your body. Make sure your physician understands what your job is and helps work with you to prevent some of the most common injuries in your profession, weather that’s eye strain or back injuries.
If you’ve been injured in Homestead or anywhere else in Southern Florida, contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with workplace injury attorney.