Florida Pedestrian Accidents Surge This Time of Year—Stay Alert

During the holidays and the weeks leading up to the holidays, Florida car accidents often increase in frequency. There are many reasons for this. Many of us are driving more often to take care of holiday errands and visits. As well, slippery roads can easily lead to car accidents. Shorter days and less visibility are a contributing factor to many accidents at this time of year and unfortunately, Florida drunk driving accidents are also more common at this time of year, as some motorists partake of good cheer and decide to drive home.

Florida pedestrian accidents are also more common at this time of year. Unfortunately, many of us are in crowded store parking lots, rushing about with our to-do lists. High stress and more traffic in pedestrian and car shared areas can lead to more accidents. As well, there are often more pedestrians about as people walk from store to store or head out to visit friends. There are also more delivery persons making deliveries, meaning more people walking about. Now is the time to do your part to prevent Florida car accidents and pedestrian accidents. Here’s how:

1) Have a plan for getting home safely. If you decide to drink at a holiday event, make sure that you have money to get home or a plan to get home. Preventing Florida drunk driving accidents starts with planning ahead.

2) Be alert for more pedestrians and more cars on the roads. More trucks are on the roads at this time of year, too, as stores go into overdrive to meet consumer demand. Adjust your driving.

3) Adjust your driving to weather conditions. It gets darker at this time of year, which means less visibility. At the same time, holiday lights can cause glare or distract drivers. Wet roads can further compound these problems, especially with more people on the road. Slow down, use your lights and wipers, and stay alert.

4) Note and respect new pedestrian areas. Some stores create new pedestrian areas in order to encourage shoppers. These pedestrian areas may result in closed parking lots or closed streets. Stay tuned to traffic updates on your radio so that you can anticipate and respect these pedestrian areas.

5) Put away your mobile device. Distracted driving is deadly at any time of year, but it is especially dangerous during the holidays, when extra traffic and poorer lighting put you at even greater risk. Your phone conversation or text is not worth the heartbreak you would cause a family this holiday season if you caused an accident. Put your mobile device away and turn it off when driving.

6) Get your car tuned up. Make sure your breaks are in good working order, your tires are in top shape and your wipers and wiper fluid are ready for wet weather. When your car is in good shape, it responds better and allows you to avoid collisions more easily.

If you have been in a Florida car accident, contact the Flaxman Law Group. The legal team at the Flaxman Law Group is proud to have helped thousands of Florida car accident survivors and personal injury victims in Miami, Homestead, Hollywood, and surrounding Florida communities. Let our compassion and experience help you. Contact the Flaxman Law Group today for a free, no-obligation consultation.