How to Avoid Car Collisions This Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day weekend in Homestead, Hollywood, and Miami is one last summer weekend to enjoy before school starts again. For many families, it marks the start of a season and involves barbecues, time spent together, and time on the water.


For law enforcement, Labor Day weekend means more enforcement action to help communities prevent tragic car collisions. Many communities will have checkpoints set up to try to curb drunk driving, which can be an issue on holiday weekends. There are several things you can do to avoid drunk driving accidents this Labor Day weekend:

1) Think ahead to your plans.

Consider having an event at home or heading to a family-friendly event where no alcohol will be served. If you plan on serving alcohol or going somewhere where drinks will be served, plan ahead how you will get home. Plan on stopping drinking  a few hours before you have to leave.

2) Plan to get home safely now.

Think of getting home safely now – well before the event. Who could you call in case you didn’t have another ride home? What are the names of some taxi companies near you? Program their numbers into your phone. How much money will you need to get home? Planning ahead makes it easier to make the right choice.

3) Eliminate the possibilities of drinking and driving.

Make it easy to avoid drinking and driving by making it harder to get behind the wheel drunk. Hand your keys to someone you trust, so they can hold onto them if your judgement is affected. Better yet, don’t drive to an event if you know you will be drinking. If you don’t have your car, you will have to find a safer way home.

4) Have a few plans to get  home safely – even if you don’t plan on drinking.

Designating a driver or setting aside some money for taxis may not always work. Your driver may decide to drink, after all, and your taxi company may be delayed. Have a Plan A, Plan B, Plan C and Plan D. If you can’t go home safely with a designated driver, maybe you can try another taxi company or can stay at a hotel. Maybe you can call a friend or family member to help you. Just don’t attempt to walk home, even if it’s not far. Walking inebriated can still be very dangerous.

5) Keep alert in case other drivers are unsafe on the roads.

Even if you make the right choices, other drivers may not. Always stay alert for drivers drifting into other lanes or driving erratically. Drive defensively, especially at night and early in the morning of the holiday weekend, when drunk driving is most likely.

If you have been hit by a drunk driver in Hollywood or any South Florida community, you can always contact Flaxman Law Group for a free accident consultation. Your first consultation with us is free and comes with no obligation.