Avoid Injuries in the New Year

The New Year always brings with it many opportunities.  Both during the first days of the year and in the upcoming twelve months, we all have the ability to make positive changes in our lives and communities. One of the things we can do to help ourselves and our loved ones is to take steps to avoid personal injury.

There are several ways that you can take steps to avoid injury in Homestead during New Year celebrations and beyond:

1) Avoid fireworks injuries.

New Year’s Eve often means fireworks, and while these can be a lot of fun they can also cause injuries, facial injuries, burns, and other serious injuries. If you want to ring in the New Year with fireworks, consider leaving them up to the professionals. Attend New Year’s events where fireworks will be part of the celebrations rather than trying to create your own fireworks show. If you do decide you want your own fireworks, be sure to follow all instructions and use due caution to avoid injuries.

2) Be careful with alcohol.

Drinking and driving is a problem during Homestead and South Florida New Year’s Eve celebrations each year. You can do your part to avoid drunk driving by having a plan to get home safely after the festivities. Or, you can attend an alcohol-free event to avoid the risk of drinking and driving.

Alcohol has an impact on more than just drunk driving, however. Consuming too much alcohol can also make you more vulnerable  to assaults, muggings, and other incidents. Since alcohol can affect your mobility, it can even increase your risk of slip and fall accidents and pedestrian accidents. Always be aware of your surroundings and avoid drinking to excess, especially if you’re celebrating alone or with people you don’t know well. Never drink alcohol and then go boating or try to set off fireworks. Drink responsibly.

3) Use caution when you’re celebrating in large crowds.

Large crowds during fireworks and New Year’s Eve festivities can mean stepped-on feet, trip and fall injuries, and other injuries. If you’re going to be attending celebrations where crowds are expected, get there early and get a spot well away from the thickest part of the crowd. Avoid trying to move against the crowd and always move when groups of other people are moving, two. Keep an eye on your personal belongings and go with a group rather than alone.

If you have been injured during New Year’s Eve festivities, contact Flaxman Law Group at any time. Our attorneys are always available to listen to your concerns and our phone lines are staffed around the clock, even on New Year’s Eve. You can always reach us if you’d like to know whether you have a claim.