Avoiding a Florida Truck Accident This Holiday Season
When a Florida truck accident involves a passenger car and a truck, the consequences are often catastrophic, especially for the occupants of the passenger car. Due to the size and force of a truck, passenger car occupants are often killed or suffer serious injuries in this type of collision. Unfortunately, during the holidays, the roads can be even riskier. There are more cars and trucks sharing the roads at this time of year, as consumers head out to complete holiday shopping lists and as retailers order more and more deliveries by truck to fill needs. Plus, many companies hire temporary and less experienced truck drivers at this time of year. More vehicles on the road, hectic schedules, and general holiday pressures can combine to create greater risks of Florida pedestrian accidents, truck accidents, and car accidents. Here’s how you can avoid a tragedy this year:
1) Avoid driving near trucks. It’s not always possible, but where you can, stay away from trucks on the roads. Many large, commercial trucks have multiple blind spots. If you are behind, to the side, or directly in front of a truck, the driver might not see you. Get out of a truck’s blind spots, passing on the left, where many trucks have fewer blind spots.
2) Be especially careful at night. Turn on your lights and give trucks even more room.
3) Be on the lookout for dangerous truck drivers. If you see a truck driver who is driving erratically, dangerously, or aggressively, try to note the registration number. Pull over to the side of the road to report the truck location, date, time, and road. If you can safely do this, you may be able to help prevent a serious Florida car accident involving a truck.
4) Be extra vigilant on ramps. Entrance ramps are tricky because commercial trucks take extra time to stop and slow down. If you need to enter a highway in front of a truck, make sure you have lots of room to do so.
5) Keep your car in good condition. Good brakes and tires, especially, can help you swerve or stop suddenly if you need to avoid a collision. Good maintenance is especially important at this time of year, when wet conditions can be a contributing factor to accidents.
6) Remain a good, vigilant driver. If it has been many years since your driver training course, consider a refresher defensive driving course. You may be amazed at how much more confident you feel behind the wheel. A refresher course can help ensure that you have the skills to potentially avoid a Florida trucking accident. As well, make sure you avoid alcohol and any distractions while driving. Unfortunately, Florida drunk driving accidents and distracted driving accidents are a problem during the holidays and throughout the year. Do not contribute to this problem.
If you are in a Florida truck accident, you will need a qualified attorney. Contact the Flaxman Law Group for a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss what we can do for you in your case. We have successfully helped thousands of clients in Miami, Hollywood, Homestead, and other Southern Florida communities. We may have just the experience you are looking for in a Florida personal injury attorney.