Avoiding Hospital Mistakes When Recovering From A Car Accident
A car accident is often traumatic and usually requires at least a hospital visit. A more serious accident may require a longer hospital stay. As you recover from your injuries, you will want to give yourself every chance to recover fully and completely. Unfortunately, the rush to get to the emergency room for treatment and the rush of the emergency room can mean that medical mistakes are made. After an accident, medical mistakes can delay your treatment, cause you new injuries, and cause complications. They can even lead to a medical malpractice lawsuit. There are many ways you can avoid medical mistakes after an accident:
1) Keep communication good, even when you cannot speak. If you have a serious condition or are taking medication, consider wearing a medical alert bracelet to let paramedics know your condition. In an emergency, this can save your life. You can also keep important medical information about yourself in your wallet or next to your driver’s registration or license, where emergency personnel may look after an accident.
2) Have a health care advocate. If possible, have a friend or family member meet you at the hospital. This person can take notes on your behalf and can help you negotiate the medical process, especially if you are feeling confused and unwell after a brain injury or other serious injury. This advocate can start documentation for you and can ensure that your wishes are followed.
3) If you are in good condition after your accident and can speak and write, start documentation and take part in your own care. Ask for copies of your medical records, note the doctors who care for you after the accident, and note any treatment you are given. This helps you notice whether any mistakes are made and ensures that if your accident results in a lawsuit, you have documentation to support your injury claims.
4) Follow doctor directions carefully and ask for clarification when needed. You may be frustrated at being injured, but you need to follow doctor’s orders carefully to have a full recovery. If you are being cared for by several health care professionals (as is often the case in an emergency room) and one health care professional tells you something different than another professional, clear up the matter.
5) Get the help of a good Florida personal injury attorney. Many attorneys will arrive right at your hospital room to discuss your accident and to ensure that you get good quality medical treatment. They can advise you of your rights and ensure you have the resources to recover as fully as possible.