Avoiding Personal Injuries During Spring Break in Florida

During college spring break, many college students head to Florida from colder climates to take advantage of the beaches, nightlife, attractions, and great weather. While spring break is meant to be fun, it can also be full of higher-risk activities as well as drinking, which can make any activity more dangerous. According to experts, there are many ways that students can avoid personal injuries while vacationing:

1) Stay together. Spending time in groups helps prevent accidents and dangerous situations. If an injury occurs, being with others ensures that someone can call for help.

2) Avoid excessive alcohol use. Alcohol is a leading cause of Florida boating accidents and even spring break sporting incidents. If you will be drinking, make sure you have a designated driver or use taxi cabs to avoid causing a Florida drunk driving accident. If you will be drinking, know when to stop and stay in a public place or at a trusted friend’s house. Avoid drinking and heading to the water or trying to take part in any physical activities while intoxicated.

3) Stay in safe areas. Stay in public, well-lit areas rather than wandering off to unknown or unpopulated areas. Tourist areas mean extra security and protection while less traveled areas can conceal many dangers.

4) Stay in communication with someone from home. Let people know your location and that you are ok. Have established check-in times and carry a cell phone at all times. If you do sustain a serious injury, these calls can help alert someone that something is wrong and can ensure that help gets to you sooner.

5) Follow laws. Familiarize yourself with Florida laws and follow them to the best of your ability. Having fun does not mean throwing caution and safety to the wind. Laws are designed to protect you, so following local laws reduces your chances of sustaining a serious Florida injury. As well, following laws ensures you won’t run afoul of local law enforcement.

If you have sustained a personal injury in Florida, contact the legal team at the Flaxman Law Group. The Flaxman Law Group’s experienced legal team has handled thousands of personal injury cases in Miami, Homestead, Hollywood, Coral Gables, and all across South Florida. Contact us today for a free accident consultation to discuss your case.