Car Accidents Involving Florida Teen Drivers Peak in Summer Months

According to Allstate, May, June, July, and August are the deadliest months for teen drivers, with the majority of teen car accidents taking place during these months. Each year, according to statistics, about 5,000 teen drivers die on the roads. In addition, many more Florida young drivers are seriously hurt or cause serious Florida pedestrian accidents or bicycle accidents on the roads. Even with graduated licensing programs, which the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration claims can reduce car accidents by 20-50%, teens are still at risk for motor vehicle accidents, especially at this time of year.

According to experts, there are many things that parents can do to help their children drive safely this summer:

1) Remind your child to use a seat belt each time they drive. Many Florida brain injuries sustained in car accidents take place because a passenger or driver failed to wear a seat belt. It takes only a few seconds to buckle up, but it can prevent your teen from flying through a windshield in the event of an accident.
2) Give your child license to call you at any time for a ride with no questions asked – and stick to it. Make sure that your teen never drives drunk. Underage Florida drunk driving accidents claim far too many lives each year. Many teens fear the repercussions if their parents find out that they have been drinking or doing drugs, which is why a “no questions, no punishment” rule is important.

3) Tell your teen driver about the dangers of speeding. Speeding reduces response times and increases the odds of fatalities in the event of a collision. Speeding also makes it more likely that minor traffic mistakes end up becoming serious accidents.

4) Enforce a no-distraction rule. Distracted driving causes many Florida car accidents involving young drivers. Young drivers, especially, need to focus on the road as they perfect their driving skills. You may want to institute a no-passenger ban until your teen has honed their driving skills. Also, make sure that your teen does not talk or text on a cell phone when driving. Consider calling them up when you know they will be driving. If they pick up, set an appropriate punishment.