Car Stunts Lead to More Florida Crashes, Especially in Teens
While getting that driver’s license for the first time is a thrill and a sign of freedom for most teen drivers, there is mounting evidence that some drivers are abusing their driving privileges and using their cars to perform stunts that can easily lead to Florida pedestrian accidents and car accidents. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), about 70% of participants in car stunts are young male drivers and the number of accidents resulting from vehicle stunts seems to be growing. The most popular stunts include:
1) Car surfing. In this stunt, a passenger rides on top of the car, on the running boards, or on the bumper while the car is in motion. In some cases, someone hangs outside of the vehicle while the car is driving. Some drivers speed up or go at increasingly higher speeds while car surfing. According to the CDC, car surfing alone has resulted in almost 100 fatalities. Those who “surf” on cars can easily lose their grip and fall onto the road or crash into overhanging branches or other objects.
2) Ghost riding. In this stunt, a passenger dances or stands on the outside of the car while a driver drives the vehicle, often at increasing speeds. This stunt is dangerous because the person on the exterior can easily lose their balance and fall off. It’s a simple way to become a Florida spinal cord injury patient and a simple way to sustain fatal injuries.
3) Skitching. This stunt mimics windsurfing: while the vehicle is in motion a passenger uses a rope or some other means to be dragged along behind the car on roller skates, roller blades, skateboard, or scooter. This can easily lead to collisions and pedestrian accidents if the person behind the car swings out of control. As well, the person behind the car can easily lose their grip or fall under a vehicle.
While these stunts are no doubt meant to be innocent fun, they are anything but. They can cause serious injuries and death. They can also lead to serious charges against any driver who partakes in such activities. Unfortunately, these stunts are often popularized on YouTube and other social media websites, making them seem fun for young drivers.
If you or a loved one have been injured in a Florida car accident, call the Miami, Homestead, or Hollywood Law offices of the Flaxman Law Group. In an initial free accident consultation, we can discuss your rights, options, and case so that you can make an informed decision. The Flaxman Law Group law team has successfully handled thousands of South Florida cases, so we have extensive trial and insurance experience.