Chin Straps are Essential in Preventing Brain Injury
A study published in the journal Neurology India concluded that riders on two-wheeled vehicles (such as motorcycles and other vehicles) were twice as likely to suffer severe injuries in traffic collisions if they did not wear a chinstrap when compared with those who wore a more securely fastened helmet. Researchers concluded that while wearing a helmet helped many motorcyclists and other users avoid injury, those who wore chin straps had the lowest head injury rates. The study’s authors concluded that properly secured helmets could help protect the face, spine, and other vulnerable areas in an accident and called to make them mandatory for all riders of motorcycles, bicycles, and other two wheel vehicles.
What this study and other research shows is that whether you are riding a bicycle, motorcycle, or any sort of vehicle that requires a helmet, the right safety gear is essential. However, throwing on any helmet is not enough. When choosing a helmet, make sure that you:
1) Buy a helmet that fits.
Helmet sizes and fits vary widely. Depending on the size and shape of your head, you may need to invest in padding or other accessories to ensure a good fit. Whether you are motorcyclist, ATV enthusiast, or bicyclist, shop at a sports store with a wide selection of helmets and try on several in order to find one that is comfortable and offers a good range of protection.
2) Choose a helmet that is high in quality.
This is a purchase that is best made new. Do not buy secondhand helmets, as they may have already sustained damage if they have fallen or protected the wearer a traffic accident in Miami or another city. Secondhand helmets may also not fit correctly. You don’t necessarily need to spend a great deal of money on a helmet, but do buy one that offers a range of protection and is sturdy and well-made.
3) Purchase more than one helmet.
If it’s in your budget, purchase more than one helmet. An extra helmet can be handy if you drop one of your helmets and damage it or if you have a passenger with you. Having more than one helmet also allows you to change up the look, which can make wearing helmets more appealing. Multiple helmets may be especially important for children and teenagers. They may simply respond better to having a range of choices and being able to choose helmets based on their clothes or mood.
4) Wear your helmet each time you need it.
Your helmet will not do any good if it is sitting in your garage while you take an ATV or motorcycle out on the road. Each time you hop on a two wheeled vehicle that requires a helmet, make sure that you take the time to put your helmet on. Insist that any passengers who are with you also wear a helmet.
5) Wear your helmet correctly.
Always read the instructions that come with your helmet and speak to the salesperson at the store or contact the manufacturer to make sure that you know how to wear the helmet correctly. Always wear this chin strap and any other accessories needed to make it helmet fit correctly and securely on your head. If your helmet goes flying off during a collision, it will not protect you from head injuries, neck injuries, or other injuries.
Have you been injured due to defective helmet or due to a dangerous driver? Flaxman Law Group is always standing by to help people who have been injured. You can contact our law firm at any time for a free, no obligation case review.