Chronic Pain After Traffic Accidents

Many car and truck accidents result in pain and injuries. For some survivors, however, pain doesn’t go away easily. In situations where pain after an injury lasts for months after it was expected to subside, it is called chronic pain and it’s a serious medical condition which can be life-altering for sufferers.

For many people in North Miami Beach and South Florida, living with chronic pain can affect their ability to enjoy everyday activities, go to work, or even care for themselves.

What Is Chronic Pain?

Under your skin and in your organs are receptor nerve cells. Pain starts in these cells, which send messages that travel along nerve pathways. When these get to the spinal cord, they are sent to the brain, where the brain interprets them as pain.

Chronic pain is a situation where pain continues for months or years. It can be caused by an injury, such as one suffered in a car accident, and it can be caused by many kinds of injuries, such as:

Doctors and researchers do not always know why some patients recover fully from pain and some continue to experience pain.

How Is Chronic Pain Treated?

In North Miami Beach and South Florida, there are many specialists and medical facilities offers excellent care for chronic pain and other conditions. There are medications which can disrupt the messages receptor nerve cells send to your brain. In many cases, doctors try to treat the underlying condition and in some cases treatment may involve pain management and therapy to help a patient deal with the life changes pain has created.

What Are My Compensation Options for Chronic Pain?

If you live in North Miami Beach or anywhere in South Florida and have been in a car accident which has resulted in serious injuries, such as chronic pain, you may be able to seek compensation for lost income, medical costs, and more. With chronic pain conditions, it can be important to get fair compensation because you may not know when the chronic pain will end, or even if it will. You may need to pay for ongoing treatment or may miss months or years of productive work.

To find out whether you have a claim, contact Flaxman Law Group at 866-352-9626 as soon as possible to speak to an attorney. Our phone lines are staffed 24/7 and contact us online at any time to schedule a free, no obligation consultation with a member of our experienced legal team. Our team has already recovered over $100 million in court wins and settlements and our friendly, bilingual office is here to serve those in South Florida who are injured due to someone’s negligence.