Could There Be More Miami Springs Brain Injury Patients Than Thought?

According to a new study released by the Mayo Clinic, more patients may suffer from traumatic brain injuries than previously believed. Based on patient symptoms, researchers at the Mayo Clinic developed a new way of categorizing brain injuries into “possible,” probable,” and “definite” traumatic brain injuries. Using the new system, researchers looked at medical records dating back decades. The researchers concluded that traumatic brain injuries occur in up to 558 per 100 000 patients. Previously, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) hypothesized that traumatic brain injuries occur in 341 per 100 000 people.

According to the Mayo Clinic, about 60% of the brain injuries they determined were traumatic brain injuries did not classify as such using the CDC categorization system. According to the authors of the Mayo Clinic study, men and the elderly are the highest risk groups for traumatic brain injury. However, they also concluded that younger people were more likely to report symptoms that pointed to a possible brain injury – and symptoms which did not fit the CDC categorization system.

The study may be of interest to Miami Springs brain injury patients, who often sustain their injuries from Miami Springs car accidents, Miami Springs slip and fall accidents, sports injuries, and other types of accidents. Now that the study has come out, some patients and experts are asking the CDC to reconsider its classification system in light of the new findings. Hopefully, the study will help shine a light on brain injuries across the US.

The study will also hopefully raise awareness about Miami Springs brain injuries. The reality is that many brain injury patients do not realize that they have sustained a brain injury following a Miami Springs motorcycle accident, slip and fall, or other accident. In some cases, even serious and fatal brain injuries do not present immediate, obvious symptoms. Someone may hit their head and experience no symptoms initially but still have a serious injury that requires emergency medical attention. In some cases, symptoms are so subtle and come on so gradually that Miami Springs brain injury victims do not notice the symptoms. For these reasons, it is very important to seek medical attention quickly if you have hit your head. It is a good idea to have a medical professional rule out a brain injury rather than brush off an injury as “nothing serious.” Getting prompt medical help can save your life.

If you have sustained a Miami Springs brain injury, your priority should be to get the assistance and the compensation you need to get the best quality medical treatment and other help you may need. For this reason, you may wish to consult with a qualified Miami Springs personal injury attorney. A good attorney can help you understand your rights and the probably costs of your injury, so that you are prepared for your future. A good personal injury attorney can also help you negotiate with your insurance carrier and can otherwise help you to pursue compensation for your injuries.

If you are looking for an experienced Miami Springs brain injury attorney, contact the Flaxman Law Group today to schedule a free, no obligation consultation to discuss your injury. The experienced legal team at the Flaxman Law Group have worked on South Florida personal injury claims for years and their compassion and professionalism have already been put to work for thousands of personal injury claimants.