Could Your Home Be a Car Crash or Liability Risk?

When most of us think of Florida car accidents and pedestrian accidents, we picture busy roads. However, many accidents at this time of year occur on private properties. As people visit with each other and host special holiday events, extra pedestrian and car traffic is often brought to residential areas, increasing the risk of Florida pedestrian accidents and car accidents in these areas. Here’s how to prevent this type of tragedy in your home:

1) If you have a party or holiday event, plan for parking. Determine how many guests you will have and plan where they can park. Is there public parking nearby? Is there adequate street parking on your street? If you’re having a large party and parking will be a problem, consider renting transportation for your guests. A charter company can arrange for safe transport for your guests and can help prevent Florida drunk driving accidents, too. Or, consider having guests carpool to cut down on pedestrian traffic and to provide some designated drivers.

2) Make sure your parking area is well-lit. If your guests will be driving themselves, make sure that parking areas are well-lit to prevent accidents, falls, and other hazards. You can buy temporary lights if you need them.

3) When saying good-bye to guests after a party, help them leave safely. Walk them to their car. This will help ensure that they are sober enough to drive. If you notice that they are not sober, don’t let them drive. If your friends are fit to drive, help them by standing near the car and ensuring that the way is clear for them to back out and drive away.

4) Consider rear-view systems as gifts to friends. These handy devices are very useful in preventing Florida pedestrian accidents involving children, because they allow drivers to see exactly what is behind their car as they back up.

5) Do not allow your children to play in your driveway or in the street when there is a party. It’s too easy for visitors to drop by your home and your child to be injured. If there is a party on your street, your child may be drawn to the cars and the party. Any guests backing up out of a parking space may not see your child. When there is extra traffic on your street or expected traffic, find fun indoor activities for your children.

If you have been injured in a Florida pedestrian accident or car accident, contact the Flaxman Law Group for a free, no-obligation consultation. With thousands of successful cases, and decades of trial experience, the Flaxman Law Group has been able to help plaintiffs in Miami, Hollywood, Homestead, and surrounding South Florida communities. Call today to find out how we can help you.