Could Your New Year’s Resolutions Mean Personal Injury?
This is a time of year when many of us look forward to a better and brighter future. New Year’s Eve is a time when traditionally many of us set goals and resolutions for the New Year. For 2010, you may wish to enjoy better health, better finances, and a better life all around. While we certainly hope that you reach all of these goals, and much more, do keep in mind that some New Year’s resolutions can lead to personal injuries. Avoid injuries as you set out on your new life by following these tips:
1) Seek a physician’s help if you’re considering making changes for your health. Losing weight, getting fit, and stopping smoking are among the most common resolutions set every year. Unfortunately, the methods that some people use to achieve these ends are not always healthy. If you’re starting a new exercise and diet regimen, for example, make sure you speak your doctor about healthy and safe ways to do this. It can help prevent painful strains and other stress injuries.
2) If you will be visiting a gym or purchasing equipment, carefully learn as much as you can before you spend your money. You want to ensure that you do not end up in a premises liability suit or personal injury lawsuit because you have purchased or used a product that is not very safe.
3) If you decide to start jogging or walking outside, this can be a great way to stay in shape. However, make sure that you wear reflective clothes and walk with a buddy to help prevent slip and fall injuries, pedestrian accidents, and other common injuries. Consider walking on designated trails in areas with plenty of pedestrians, rather than in areas that are heavy with traffic. If you decide to ride your bicycle in order to get more fresh air and exercise, also consider sticking to bicycle lanes and areas especially designated for bicycles. Follow all traffic rules to ensure that you are not in a bicycle accident.
4) If you’ve decided to travel more this year, brush up on your safety rules when traveling to prevent bus accidents, aviation accidents, and other serious personal injuries. Learning the safety features of your method of travel can help you survive an accident.
5) If you plan on taking a new class or driving out to see friends more often, make sure that you learn the route before you leave, so you can put all your focus on driving. Avoid distractions while driving to new destinations, especially. Keep in mind that the more time you spend of the road the more alert you need to be for potential danger to make sure you get to all your New Year’s destination safe and healthy.