How to Handle & Prevent a Florida Car Accident

It makes sense to do everything in your power to avoid being in a Florida car accident. However, it is also important to be prepared – just in case. Sometimes, even when drivers do everything right, the mistakes or negligence of other drivers can lead to an accident. Luckily, there are many things you can do right now to prevent a car accident and to be more prepared in case the worst happens.

One important step to take is to place a few items in your glove compartment – just in case. In your glove compartment, you should have your registration and insurance card, in case you are in an accident. You should also have a list of emergency numbers and any information about any medical conditions you have. As well, a small first aid kit is a nice thing to have. Finally, place a paper and pen or pencil in your glove compartment, so that you can write down anything you need to after an accident. Having a camera is also nice, but not necessary.

Luckily, there are many things you can do to prevent an accident or accident-related injuries in the first place. Wearing your seatbelt and ensuring that all passengers wear age-appropriate restraints is an important first step to protecting yourself. Driving carefully and defensively is also an important way to prevent accidents.

If you are in a Florida car crash, you must stop at the scene of the accident. If the accident is minor, you can move your car off the road so that you do not block traffic and do not pose further danger to your passengers. Immediately call for medical assistance if anyone is injured. If you are not sure whether there is anyone injured, it is better to get possible victims evaluated.

Once everyone has received assistance, your next priority is to protect the site of the accident, which can help law enforcement officers determine what happened. Unless your car is creating danger or blocking traffic, leave it where it is. If you need to move your car, note where the car was at the time of the accident. Turn on your four-way flashers and lights to alter other drivers of a possible hazard. Notify police of the accident if needed and then exchange information (including names, addresses, and insurance information) with any other driver involved. Take note of any important details at the scene and take photos if you have a camera. Err on the side of taking more information than you need – you never know what detail will be important for an insurance company or attorney if you decide to pursue a claim. Take the names and numbers of any witnesses and note anything that may have in any way contributed to the accident.

If your accident has resulted in fatalities, injuries, or more than $500 in property damage, you will need to notify authorities of the accident. Stay with your car until police arrive and cooperate with the investigation. Speak with the investigating officer, but stick with the facts. Do not admit fault or discuss the accident in detail until you have a Florida personal injury attorney to advise you and to help you protect your rights. If insurance company investigators are at the scene, do not discuss the accident with them until you have a personal injury attorney, as a good attorney can help you protect your interests. In many cases, you can contact a Florida personal injury attorney – such as the Flaxman Law Group – right from the accident scene. Do not leave the scene of the accident until you have spoken to the investigating officers at the scene and they have allowed you to leave.

Once you have left the scene, see a doctor as soon as possible after the accident. This can help start document any injuries you may have sustained during the accident. If you have not done so already, consult with an attorney and notify your insurance company of the accident.

In a Florida car accident, an attorney can help protect your interests and rights, and can help you work with insurance carriers. The Flaxman Law Group has decades of experience in car accident and personal injury claims in Miami, Homestead, Hollywood, and many other South Florida communities. You can reach the Flaxman Law Group 24 hours a day, seven days a week to set up a free initial consultation to discuss your case. This consultation costs you nothing but can ensure that you have the facts you need to make a decision in your case.