Deerfield Beach Pool Accidents and Near Drowning
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately ten Americans die from drowning each day, with about 20% of victims being children age 14 or younger. Drowning is the second leading cause of death for young children and the sixth leading cause of death for all Americans. There are many risk factors associated with drowning and pool accidents:
1) Race and ethnicity. According to the CDC, drowning rates for children vary by ethnicity and race. For example, the drowning rate for African-American children is 3.1 times higher than for Caucasian children. The drowning rate for young Native American children is 2.3 times higher than for Caucasian children in the same age range. Cultural, social, and access issue may contribute to this.
2) Age. Children between the ages of one and four have the highest drowning rate of all ages. Part of the reason for this is because children in this age group often do not yet have the swimming skills needed to protect themselves from drowning. As well, young children are often very attracted to the water and have fewer fears about the dangers of water.
3) Gender. According to the CDC, 80% of drowning victims are male.
4) Barriers and physical safety devices. According to the CDC, most drownings of children between the ages of 1 and 4 occur in residential swimming pools. In most of these cases, children are out of sight for under 5 minutes, are supervised, and are last seen in the home. In other words, in most of these cases, drownings occur because a child wanders away towards water, even when the child is being supervised. Barriers are designed to help prevent just this type of incident. Most experts recommend at least a high-walled four-sided fence around the pool area as well as a safe locking gate. There are many additional safety items – such as alarms – that can also make the pool area safer and there are safety items that can be used in any water settings as well. When boating, for example, life jackets can reduce the risk of drowning substantially.
5) Supervision. Supervision – by a qualified lifeguard at a pool or a parent during bath time — helps prevent drowning. However, it is important to ensure that children are supervised at all times when they are near water, since Deerfield Beach drowning and pool accidents can take place at any time. Supervision can also help prevent other accidents, including Deerfield Beach slip and fall accidents and other Deerfield Beach accidents involving minors or children.
6) Location. Very young children are most likely to drown in a residential swimming pool, but according to the CDC, 65% of drowning victims over the age of 14 died in a natural water setting.
If you or a loved one have sustained a swimming pool injury, contact the Flaxman Law Group to arrange for a free, no obligation consultation. Your case could be worth more than you think, and getting legal advice can help you pursue the compensation you are entitled to under the law. The legal team at the Flaxman Law Group have decades of experience and have already successfully worked with thousands of South Florida personal injury victims. Contact the team today to find out what the Flaxman Law Group can do for you.