Do Red-Light Cameras Reduce Crashes in Fort Lauderdale?

Fort Lauderdale, as well as many other communities across the country, have been relying on red light cameras in order to prevent car accidents and in order to catch drivers who violate the rules of the road. Advocates of the red light cameras say that the devices help prevent car accidents in Fort Lauderdale and free up police for other tasks. They note that the cameras generate revenue for the city and may be more effective at catching those who break the law. Advocates also claim that red light cameras may discourage drivers from running red lights, since the risk of getting caught is higher. This, they claim, can help prevent traffic accidents in Fort Lauderdale.

Opponents of red light cameras argue that the cameras have a track record of sending tickets to the wrong drivers. They also note that the cameras only catch drivers at some violations. They do nothing to reduce the number of cell-phone related car accidents in Fort Lauderdale, for example. Those who oppose the cameras also point out that it is possible for drivers to simply find out where the cameras are and avoid those intersections – all without changing bad driving habits.

In Fort Lauderdale and across Florida, red light cameras have been approved since 2010 but still have not become accepted by drivers. Many drivers see the tickets simply as a cash grab. Indeed, the tickets are estimated to create more than $120 million for Florida cities and the state.

Fort Lauderdale now has 23 red light cameras in the city, after recently adding six more cameras. According to Florida Senate President Dan Gaetz, the intersections in Fort Lauderdale that have cameras saw their rates of accidents double after the cameras were installed. In 41 other cities, car accident rates fell after red light cameras were introduced. In eleven cities, however, car accidents increased. That is a large enough number that some lawmakers are asking whether red light cameras are in fact the best way to reduce car and truck accidents in Fort Lauderdale and other cities.

Some lawmakers have also pointed out that red light cameras can only stop certain violations – most notably, cars running red lights. This is not necessarily the violation that causes the most accidents, yet red light cameras cannot catch drivers who are distracted, driving drunk, or falling asleep at the wheel.

Have you been injured in a car accident in Fort Lauderdale or another South Florida community? You have rights under Florida law. If your accident was caused by a driver’s negligence or recklessness, you may seek a legal claim to recover compensation for your medical costs, property damage, lost wages, and other damages. To get more details, schedule a free, no obligation consultation with the Flaxman Law Group to discuss your situation and your options. You may qualify for more compensation than you realize which is why getting legal advice is important before you make any decisions in your case.

The Flaxman Law Group legal team has been part of the South Florida community – and has been helping South Florida personal injury victims – for more than 25 years. As advocates on behalf of victims, the legal staff of the Flaxman Law Group has helped to recover more than $25 million on behalf of personal injury survivors. Contact the Flaxman Law Group today to find out what the full-service law firm can do for you.