Does Florida Have an Anti-Eviction Act?
The team at Flaxman Law Group works with many tenants who are facing eviction in Miami, Tampa, and other communities. We know these tenants are in a stressful, difficult situation and have questions about their rights. This is why Flaxman Law Group is pleased to offer a free, no obligation case consultation to any renter who is facing eviction. It gives you a chance to get answers and to discuss whether it may be possible to remain in your home.
In Florida, tenants have rights. While Florida does not have Anti-Eviction Act specifically, there are laws designed to protect those who rent a property. These laws are meant to ensure you’re treated fairly and have the right to defend yourself if you ever face eviction.
Understanding Florida Anti-Eviction Laws
Evictions are covered under Fla. Stat. Ann. § 83.56, Fla. Stat. § 83.57, and other laws: Here’s what you need to know about these laws:
- Landlords must evict a tenant with cause in most situations. Legal causes of eviction include non-payment of rent, committing an illegal act, or violating the terms of the lease agreement.
- Landlords must give proper notice of eviction. This notice must include the reason for the eviction and must be submitted within the right time frame, which may be from three to ten days. In most situations, landlords need to give tenants a chance to fix the problem. For example, in the case of non-payment of rent, renters can generally remain if they pay what they owe.
- Landlords can’t just kick out a renter. They need to file a lawsuit and then get the sheriff to remove the tenant. They need to give the renter a chance to recover their property. Landlords also can’t retaliate against the tenant. They can’t change the locks, for example, turn off the utilities, or otherwise make the property uninhabitable.
Working with a Florida Eviction Attorney
If you’re facing eviction in Hollywood, Homestead, Miami, or anywhere in South Florida, you can contact Flaxman Law Group for a free accident consultation. There are a few things we may be able to do:
- We can evaluate your situation and review your rights and options. We can determine whether the landlord has followed the proper legal procedures.
- If you have valid defenses to the eviction, such as breach of lease, we can help you build a defense strategy.
- In some situations, we may be able to negotiate with the for you to reach a settlement or agreement that allows you to stay in your home. For example, we may be able to seek a payment plan if you’ve fallen behind on rent.
- If your case goes to court, we can present your case in front of a judge.
To find out more about what we can do in your eviction case, call Flaxman Law Group at 866-352-9626 anytime, 24/7, to set up a free, no obligation consultation with an experienced Florida evictions attorney. You can also contact us online or email accident attorney Charles Flaxman directly at cf******@fl********.com. Let us put our more than 60 years of combined experience to work for you. You don’t have to face eviction alone.