Dog Bites and Dog Biting Problems

Many dog owners who have a pet with a biting problem get overwhelmed and frustrated. They know that they are responsible for preventing dog bites and the personal injuries these bites cause, but they are not always sure how to do this. Stopping dog bites, however, is possible. It begins with a careful observation of the dog.

Dog owners should carefully observe their pet. Does the animal act frightened or scared? Does the pet behave a certain way of behaving just before attempting to bite? Does the dog show any symptoms of illness? Take notes if you can of any behaviors you notice with your dog. Even seemingly unrelated behaviors may be a clue.

Pet owners who have a dog that bites should see their vets at once. Vets are often the first line of defense against biting because in some cases biting problems are caused by a physical problem or illness. Treating that problem takes care of the biting problem as well. Even if this is not the case, vets are often familiar with biting problems and can generally recommend local pet trainers and other professionals who can help with behavioral problems. As well, vets can ensure that your pet is healthy. If your dog bites, this is important, since your dog can transmit some illness through their saliva.

Obedience classes are also helpful because they can help you communicate more effectively with your pet. A good trainer can also show you how you can humanely discipline your dog or communicate to your dog that biting is not acceptable. Thereafter, when your dog attempts to bite, you can use the discipline behavior. If you are consistent and firm, you may have good results. With patience and consistency, most bad behaviors – including dog biting – can be taken care of.

Some pet owners get rid of their animals when they realize their dog has a biting problem. However, in many cases, the problem is due to an illness or poor training and can be corrected with some work and patience. If your dog does bite, you have a responsibility to train your dog not to bite. If your dog bites and injures someone, you could be held liable. Keep in mind, too, that dog bites can be very serious. With a larger dog, bites can break bones or even cause head injuries for child victims.

While taking care of your dog’s biting problem, ensure that your dog will not harm anyone. Secure the dog’s mouth with a muzzle when you walk your pet. Avoid letting your dog roam on your property or remain unattended with strangers. This will protect both you and your pet until your dog’s biting problem can be handled correctly.