New Driver Tips for Developing Safe Driving Habits

If you’re a new driver, you have the opportunity to develop smart driving skills that will help you avoid car accidents in Hollywood or your community. The habits and education you develop now – in the first few years you have your license – can make a big impact on your overall safety. A solid start in driving can help you avoid accidents and can prepare you for many years of safety on the roads.


There many ways you can hone your driving skills and stay safe as a new driver:

1) Practice driving in different cars.

You’ll get used to different models if you practice driving different cars. This is an important skill to have, since you’ll eventually probably borrow someone’s car, get a new car, or need to get a rental. Driving in different cars lets you experience the road in different ways and lets you focus on driving safely – no matter what you’re driving.

2) Try driving in different climates.

In Hollywood and South Florida, we rarely have to worry about snow and ice, although driving in heavy rain or having to deal with hurricanes certainly present their own challenges. If possible, try driving in different climates when you travel. Learning how to drive safely in snow and ice can be useful, especially if you move or want to be able to handle a car in different situations.

3) Practice emergency driving situations.

One great way to do this is to take a drive control or car control class. These classes are ones you take in addition to driver training and they cover the basics of emergency braking and other emergency driving techniques. Practicing what to do when the worst happens can save your life.

4) Get honest advice.

Every driver thinks they’re a good motorist. However, when you’re just starting out you want to get honest feedback about what you can work on. Talk to your driving instructor or get a driving instructor to assess your skills one-on-one. Use the feedback to focus on those areas that need a little extra polish.

5) Learn the basics of car maintenance.

Taking a class in basic car maintenance can save you substantial amounts of money on car upkeep. If your car breaks down, taking a basic car maintenance class means you may be able to get your car driving again, helping you avoid a side-of-the-road accident.

6) Plan a road trip once you’ve worked on your driving skills for a while.

After you’ve had your driver’s license for year or so, you might want to practice your driving skills by taking a road trip. A longer road trip can help you learn how to plan a trip, how to drive in different conditions, and how to handle longer drives. These are all useful skill to learn.

If you’re new driver and have been injured in a car accident in Hollywood or anywhere in Florida, contact Flaxman Law Group for a free accident consultation. We’d be happy to review your situation and to help you find out what options you have.