Driving Tips for Teens
If you are a teen with a new driver’s license, you may be eager to get on the road. But did you know that teen drivers have higher rates of car accidents in Miami and other cities when compared with adult drivers? The problem is that even if you have done all the work and gotten your license, you are still learning all the ins and outs of operating a motor vehicle. If you live in a city like Miami, you also have to contend with high volumes of traffic and other drivers.
You can help avoid a car accident by following these tips designed especially for teen drivers:
1) Get as much training and practice you can.
You can sign up for more driving instruction, especially defensive driving classes. While it may not seem like a lot of fun to sit in the classroom or behind the wheel for longer than you have to, getting additional training can make a big difference in helping you avoid a car accident. Car racing classes can also help you develop your driving skill and can be a lot more fun. If you can’t take classes, at least practice your driving on quiet roads so that you can become the best driver possible.
2) Buckle up.
Make sure that you and all your passengers have seatbelts buckled every time you drive. Even if you are going on just a short drive, a seat belt can save your life. It keeps you in the car in the event of a collision, helping you avoid spinal cord injuries, head injuries, and the fatal injuries that can occur if you’re thrown from the vehicle.
3) Commit to not drinking and driving.
It can be scary to have to phone a parent or a family friend for a drive home if you have been drinking, but that is a lot safer than driving drunk. Even if you don’t think that you are very drunk, having even small amounts of alcohol can affect your reaction times in decision-making enough to cause a serious accident.
4) Commit to driving only when un-distracted.
You probably have a lot to do, especially if you have classes as well as a part-time job and a social life. It can be distracting to be thinking about everything as well as your driving. Unfortunately, distracted driving in Miami and other cities is a leading cause of traffic accidents. When getting in your car, put away your phone and mobile devices and commit to focusing on the road. An easy way to do this is to picture your next three moves while driving. This will help you drive defensively and keep your focus on the road. If you can, be careful about which of your friends you take on as passengers. Some friends may be distracting as passengers and can keep you from driving safely.
Have you been injured in a car accident? Unfortunately, young drivers are often accused of causing the accident, even if the accident was not their fault. If you would like to get help with the insurance process or would like legal opinion about the situation, contact Flaxman Law Group for a free case evaluation. As a driver, you do have legal rights and our legal team would be pleased to meet with you in order to explain those rights to you.