Ethanol Miami Truck Accidents: Why They are Such a Danger Now

Ethanol is an additive for gasoline. It is generally made from a corn sugar that has been distilled into an alcohol. First used in the 1970s, ethanol is now more popular than ever as fuel costs increase and as the country looks for clean-burning fuel. About 70% of all fuel sold in the US is actually E10, a mix of 10% alcohol and 90% gasoline. Most cars today are designed to run optimally on E10.

The popularity of E10 also means that there are many trucks around the country shipping pure ethanol in order to meet the high demand. Unfortunately, an ethanol Miami truck accident can be among the most frightening accidents to witness. Ethanol, when spilled in a Miami traffic accident, is dangerous and highly flammable. Worse, it cannot be fought the way that most fires are fought. In fact, fire departments across the country are getting special training in fighting ethanol fires after an accident, since most firefighting methods are not effective against this type of fire.

Part of the problem with a Miami car accident involving an ethanol truck is that there is a possibility that the ethanol in the truck will leak and catch fire. Unlike gasoline, however, ethanol mixes with water. This means that when water it poured on an ethanol fire, the fire continues to burn. Another major problem with an ethanol fire is that pure ethanol mixtures such as E98 or E95 – the types of mixtures often shipped by truck – produce no flame or smoke when burning. This means that after a Miami truck accident involving an ethanol spill there is a very real possibility of severe Miami burn injuries, as injured parties and even firefighters can walk right into the fire without realizing it, sustaining serious injury.

If a truck accident leads to an ethanol fire, an alcohol resistant foam known as Ar-AFF is the most effective way of putting the fire out. The traditional foam most fire departments use is not enough. Ar-AFF smothers the fire, putting it out. Unfortunately, Ar-AFF is more expensive than the traditional types of foam most fire departments use.

Any time a truck carries a dangerous or flammable substance, a Miami truck crash is potentially more dangerous. When a dangerous substance such as ethanol spills, it can cause severe environmental damage, out of control fires, and severe injury. Even in cases where there is no fire, the cleanup can take many hours. Since ethanol is newly popular, it is a special concern since more training needs to be done about the appropriate firefighting methods.

Have you been injured in an ethanol fire caused by a truck accident? Have you sustained other types of injuries as a result of a Miami truck accident? If so, you deserve to know about all your rights and options. It is why the Flaxman Law Group makes themselves available through free accident consultations. If you have sustained an injury, contact the Flaxman Law Group to discuss your case – at no cost and with no obligation – with an experienced member of our legal team. A Miami personal injury attorney from the Flaxman Law Group can help you understand all your options so that you can make the right choice for you.