How to Help Prevent Drowning & Water Injuries in Florida

Florida has many waterways and in some communities there are pools in almost every back yard. It’s no secret: Floridians love their water recreation, whether its swimming, boating, or water sports. While the weather permits year-round fun in the water, though, all the opportunities can also mean plenty of water and boating accidents in Homestead and other cities.


The Florida Safety Council and other organizations are committed to improving water safety in the state and preventing water-related fatalities and injuries. Everyone has a role in this project. For example, you can help by:

1) Learning to swim and helping family and friends learn to swim.

Strong swimming skills are one of the best ways to prevent drowning. Swimming lessons can also help teach water safety. If you have children or family, make sure that everyone you know knows the importance of swimming.

2) Do not swim alone.

While swimming alone can seem pleasant, it can be very dangerous. If you suddenly get in trouble or need help, swimming alone can prove fatal. Even if you have a swimming pool at home you are very familiar with, never swim alone.

3) Make sure you are physically in good condition to swim and are swimming in a safe area.

If you are tired or have been drinking, you are at a greater risk for water-related injury and should not be swimming or boating. If you have had too much sun or are not feeling at your best, you may also want to stay off the water as you may not be in physical shape for swimming. You also do not want to boat or swim if you are far from safe areas or are on water areas you are not sure are safe.

4) Respect swimming abilities.

Anyone who is just learning to swim or has not been in the water for a while needs to take it slow. Avoid going into deep or rough waters or staying out too long. New swimmers and children should wear personal floatation devices that have been approved by the U.S. Coast Guard for an extra layer of protection. New swimmers and children should also stay in shallow water or the shallow end of the pool.

5) Learn about the water where you will be swimming.

Many spinal cord injuries in Homestead and Florida are caused by swimmers diving into shallow water. In addition, many fatalities and injuries happen because swimmers and boaters underestimate the strength of tides and currents. Before heading out on the water, find out about exit points, currents, water depth, potential hazards, and depth changes. Check the weather before you head out, too. Never swim in bad weather, since winds can affect currents and lighting is likely to strike bodies of water in a storm.

6) Take water safety and first aid courses.

If you love boating, take a boating safety course. It can help save your life. No matter how often you head out on the water, a first aid course can help teach you how to take care of serious injuries and respond to emergencies, which can help keep you and loved ones safe.

If you have been injured on the water and believe that someone’s negligence may have led to your injuries, get legal advice before you take any action. You can always reach Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-FLAXMAN (1-866-352-9626) or through our law firm website if you would like to talk about your situation with one of our personal injury attorneys.