Key Evidence to Keep After a Miami Truck Collision

If you have been in a trucking crash in Miami or any South Florida community, evidence and documentation are important. They can help establish what happened and who the liable parties are. Some evidence will likely be collected by police and authorities. Some will be collected by insurance companies and by the truck carrier, who will have access to the truck’s black box, onboard computer, and other data.

Information and evidence is so important that you will want to work with a trucking accident attorney in Miami or your community. An attorney can subpoena and secure records from truck companies. He or she can also work with accident reconstruction experts and investigators to find support for your case.

There are some types of documentation you can gather yourself to help your case, too:

  • Scene documentation. At the scene of the accident, you may be able to take photos of the accident scene and surrounding area as well as photos of your car and the truck involved. You can also generally get the driver information from the truck as well as the names and contact information of any witnesses.
  • Medical information. You can request medical records, keep copies of medical receipts and test results, and copies of appointment notifications.
  • Your calendar. When you visit a doctor or medical professional, note the date, time, location and what was discussed. This can help establish the seriousness of your injuries.
  • Your own notes. Note any symptoms you have and how they affect your ability to work and perform everyday tasks. Keep a record of any time you miss at work due to pain or due to your injuries. Keep a record of the pain you experience so you can show how much the injury has affected your life.
  • Receipts. It’s important to keep receipts for any expenses you incur as a result of your injuries or crash. This may include taxis, rental cars, car repair bills, medical costs, household help, ramps or grab bars for your home, medical devices, extra assistance you need to hire, any personal property in the crash you have had to replace, and anything else. This will help establish the total current costs of your injury. In addition, your attorney can help establish your likely overall and future costs.
  • Intangible effects. A trucking accident can have intangible effects on your life. For example, you may suffer from depression, sleeplessness or have relationship problems due to your injuries. It is important to note these, as they are part of the impact of your accident. You may be able to seek compensation for counseling and other care you need in the wake of the crash so you can get back on track.

Work with your attorney to document all your expenses and damages in the crash. If you would like to speak to a personal injury attorney about your potential case and about your situation, contact Flaxman Law Group. Our compassionate attorneys have already helped hundreds of plaintiffs in Homestead, Miami, Hollywood, and surrounding areas recover tens of millions of dollars in settlements and court wins for their trucking accident and personal injury cases. Contact our South Florida law firm today to schedule a free, no obligation consultation.