Five Ways To Help Your Teen Drive Safely in South Florida

Young drivers are often safe drivers. Their training is still fresh in their minds and they are still learning so most drivers who are younger are taking driving seriously. That said, they also have less experience than more seasoned motorists and younger drivers may face more peer pressure from their similarly aged passengers. There are five ways you can help your teen avoid car accidents and traffic collisions in Hollywood and in surrounding areas:

  • Get them driving lessons: Getting your young driver additional lessons, including defensive driving lessons, is an excellent way to help them build their skills with a professional instructor. This is one of the best things you can do and if it’s possible it is something that can help them develop good habits early on. Basic car maintenance lessons can also be a great option to help them feel more confident with vehicles.
  • Get them racing lessons: Racing lessons are very fun but they also help your teenager appreciate cars and help them operate a vehicle safely. If your teenager likes to speed, driving lessons give them a safe outlet to do so.
  • Make an agreement: Consider signing an agreement with your teen that they won’t drive drunk, drive distracted, or take part in other risky behaviors. Being very clear about expectations and having them written down can help your teenager understand what the limits are. It can be especially effective to have consequences if your teen drives unsafely or breaks the agreement.
  • Model good driving behaviors: Your children model you more than you know. They are noticing your driving habits and skills, both good and bad, without even being aware of it. Being a safe driver yourself can help set the stage for raising safe drivers.
  • Give them a “free pass” to call you: Sometimes, young drivers and passengers get into situations because they fear what the consequences will be with their parents. If a teenager thinks they will get grounded, or get privileges taken away, they may get in the car with an unsafe driver or take part in risky activities. Give your teens a free pass to call you if they have been drinking and can’t drive home safely or if their ride has been drinking. If your teens know they won’t get punished or you won’t be angry, they’re more likely to contact you when it counts.

If your teen driver has been injured by someone’s recklessness or negligence, contact a car accident attorney today. A car accident attorney can help you understand whether you have a claim, can help you understand how much your claim may be worth, and can represent you if and when you file a claim. Contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with a Hollywood car collision attorney.