Florida Brain Injury Facts

According to the CDC, brain injuries are most often caused when a jolt or blow to the head causes a mild brain injury known as a concussion. The CDC advises that anyone who has suffered a blow to head to look out for symptoms of a concussion, which can include:
1) Difficulty concentrating, remembering things, or making decisions.
2) Fatigue and headaches
3) Unusual emotional symptoms, such as listlessness anxiousness, sadness, irritability, and so forth. It is especially important to be on the look out for these symptoms when they appear for no reason. Unexplained emotional upsets can often be a sign of brain injury.
It is best that if you have suffered a jolt or blow to the head for any reason — including a car accident, slip and fall accident, or any other personal injury — that you seek medical help right away. A physician can examine you and determine whether you have been injured. However, it is also important not to depend entirely on an initial medical examination by a physician. Even if a doctor has said that you seem okay, if you develop symptoms after experiencing a blow to the head, get re-evaluated or ask for a second opinion. Sometimes, it takes time for the symptoms of a brain injury or concussion to manifest themselves. Also, medical mistakes do occur and sometimes a physician will simply miss some of the symptoms and signs of a brain injury.
Brain injuries are as unique as the individuals who suffer from them. There are many types of brain injuries that can occur and each patient tends to recover from a brain injury differently and display different symptoms. This is one reason why diagnosing brain injury can be challenging. If you suspect that you have a brain injury, seek medical help right away, even if a physician has already stated that you likely do not have a brain injury.
If you’ve suffered a brain injury because of someone’s negligence or reckless behavior, contact an attorney as well as a doctor. A qualified Florida attorney can help ensure that you get all the legal protection you are entitled to. This can be important, since brain injuries can take a long time to recover from. Some brain injuries can be permanent, and can affect your income level, medical bills, and much more. A qualified Florida attorney can ensure that you have the financial resources you need so that you can rebuild your life after an accident. If you need an experienced Florida attorney, arrange for a free, no-obligation consultation by calling 1- 800-535-2962 (1 800 5 FLAXMAN).