Florida Car Accidents Involving Teen Drivers

According to the CDC (the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), teen drivers in rural areas have a higher fatality rate when it comes to car accidents than city teen drivers. According to the CDC, the highest fatality rate for young drivers is in Wyoming. In that state, about 60 car accident fatalities occur for every 100 000 people between the ages of 16 and 17. In New York and New Jersey, there are strict laws governing young drivers and these states have low fatality rates for teens – about 10 in 100 000.

In Florida, however, teen drivers seem to have a disproportionately high rate of car accident fatalities. In Alachua County, for example, there are only 22 345 residents who are between 15 and 10 years old. However, the county has seen 27 teen Florida car accident fatalities in five years. In Marion County, there are 15 419 teen drivers, but in the last five years, there have been 40 traffic fatalities involving teens.

Florida has launched a number of initiatives to help prevent Florida car accidents involving young drivers. For example, the Florida Highway Patrol’s Teen Driver Safety Week is a state-wide effort to reduce car accidents, distracted driving, and Florida drunk driving accidents involving teens. According to research released by the CDC, there may be good reason to target young drivers. The CDC reports that car accidents are the leading cause of death for US teens and Florida teens. One third of deaths among teens occur during car accidents.

Although fatal Florida car accidents involving teens declined 21% between 2008 and 2009, experts say there is still plenty of room for improvement. According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, teen drivers have the highest car accident rates of any age group. They are least experienced also most likely to take risks. In car accidents involving teen drivers, careless driving is the most common cause of accidents, followed closely by drunk driving.

Experts say that Florida’s efforts to rein in young drivers have been preventing car accidents involving young drivers. Graduated licensing, seat belt laws, strict drunk driving laws, and laws restricting teens from driving late at night all work together to ensure that teens are less often in dangerous situations which can lead to a Florida car accident. Despite this, however, Florida teens continue to die needlessly in car accidents and continue to suffer serious injuries as a result of car accidents. Many teens with serious Florida spinal cord injuries, burn injuries, and other life-long injuries sustain these injuries in car accidents.

If you need an experienced Florida car accident attorney after your accident, contact the Flaxman Law Group for a no-cost, no-obligation consultation to discuss your case. The legal team at the Flaxman Law Group have successfully helped thousands of Florida car accident victims in Miami, Hollywood, Homestead, and other South Florida communities. With experience and compassion, the Flaxman Law Group may be able to give you the answers and the help you need to recover from your accident as well.