Florida Youth Violence A Concern
Youth violence became an issue in the 1990s, when a veritable epidemic of violent acts perpetrated by and against young people seemed to hit the nation. While statistics show that youth robbery, rape, and homicide have declined since 1983, arrests for aggravated assault remain very high.
In Florida, teenagers and youth are now spending additional time with their peer groups. Summer means absence from the structures of school. Florida youth often spend part of their summer time unsupervised and with friends their own age. This can mean that minors can come into contact with youth violence during their summer vacations. In fact, Florida attorneys each year receive frantic calls from parents who have minors who have sustained injuries caused by another young person.
Youth violence is more than just a passing phase. Violence – whether caused by adults or younger persons – can cause permanent injuries. Aggravated assault perpetrated by teenagers can prove fatal and can cause brain injury and fractures. Weapons violence can lead to burn injuries and even spinal cord injuries. These wounds can mean months of school lost for a young victim. Young victims may find their future careers hampered by youth violence as well.
Experts believe that peer association is the single biggest risk factor in youth violence. Parents should get to know their children’s friends and should act on any disturbing violent behaviour at once. Reporting violence is important in stopping the crime. Sometimes, teens will not share their friend problems with a parent. However, signs of withdrawal, bruising, and moodiness can all be warning signs that a peer group is not healthy.
The Surgeon General’s Report on youth violence youth violence intervention and prevention programs are one positive way to reduce injuries and fatalities caused by young offenders. These programs, the Surgeon General’s Report suggests, need to be integrated with communities, schools, and individuals to be truly effective.
If your child has sustained an injury because of youth violence, you will want to seek help from a Florida attorney. A qualified Florida lawyer can help you understand all your options and can help you get all the help your child is entitled to under law. Call 1- 800-535-2962 (1 800 5 FLAXMAN) to set up a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your options.