Ford Aims to Reduce Florida Car Accidents Caused by Distracted Driving

Every motorist today is aware of the risks of Miami drunk driving and motorists are increasingly being told about the dangers of distracted driving as well. However, the message of distracted driving seems to be more difficult to communicate and many Miami car accidents each year are still caused by distracted drivers.

Car manufacturers are sometimes held blamed for distracted driving since many car makers are creating car models with built-in computers, GPS systems, and systems designed to support mobile devices – all of which can be distractions for a driver. Ford wants to change that image by researching the so-called “driver workload” in order to eventually formulate sensors in the seatbelt and steering wheel that could eventually help detect a driver’s respiration and heart rates in order to gauge a driver’s emotions and distraction level.

The premise is similar to the steering wheel sensors and built-in breathalyzers that have been used to curb Miami drunk driving accidents. According to Ford, the new devices measuring heart rate and respiration would be effective in curbing driving distraction because they would measure driver response to distraction rather than try to regulate specific distractions – such as texting while driving. Ford researchers say that avoiding technology in the car is all but impossible today and while many drivers know they should turn off mobile devices before driving, many choose not to do so. By providing an alert system for drivers, Ford hopes to develop a system that lets drivers know when they are in danger.

According to the car maker, the sensors would be able to process data about a driver’s state in real time and the information would not be shared or recorded. Instead, if the sensors deemed that driver’s respiration and heart rates suggested a high level of stress, the car would mute music and disable mobile devices, allowing the driver to relax and place their full focus on driving. The system would be used in conjunction with the Ford Sync system, which some experts have already suggested may be a distraction to drivers.

Would these sensors help prevent Miami pedestrian accidents and car accidents? Ford researchers seem to think so and some experts feel that the sensors would help by targeting a driver’s physical responses rather than specific activities – such as texting. By focusing on the heart rate and respiratory rate, the system would be able to alert drivers if they were getting too upset or stressed to drive safely and would potentially help drivers become more aware of their emotions when driving, which could help prevent accidents caused by road rage, as well. The sensors might also provide an early alert system in the event of a heart attack, stroke, or other medical emergency which can make a driver a hazard on the roads. Critics of the system, however, point out that the system has no way of telling whether a driver’s eyes are not on the road – a major danger associated with distracted driving.

If you have been injured in a Miami car accident, contact the Flaxman Law Group today to arrange for a free, no cost case evaluation to learn whether you have a case. Speaking with the legal staff at the Flaxman Law Group can help you learn more about your rights and options as well as about resources available to you.