Hallandale Beach Underage Drinking Is a Bigger Issue Than Expected
In Hallandale Beach and across Florida, teens are not allowed to drink and drive. Many parents assume their children are safe, but studies show that teens drink far more often than adults may assume, a habit that can lead to serious car collisions and injuries.
Here are the facts: Florida, where the legal drinking age is 21, has a zero tolerance policy for teen DUIs. If a motorist under the age of 21 has a blood alcohol level of at least 0.02, they face immediate license suspension for six months. A second DUI results in a twelve-month suspension. Refusal to submit to a urine, blood, or breath test for alcohol carries at least a year-long suspension and an 18-month suspension for a second offence.
Despite these rules, teens do drink and drive. 70% of teens under the age of 20 admit to drinking alcohol. One in ten high-school-aged teens drink and drive, according to the CDC.
The Danger on the Road
Drunk driving in Hallandale Beach is dangerous for everyone, but it may be riskier when teens get behind the wheel after drinking. They may have less driving experience and skill when compared with older drivers, and this can disproportionately affect their driving. They may also be less used to alcohol and may feel its effects more.
Research bears it out: Teen drivers driving under the influence are 17 times more likely to sustain fatal injuries in a crash when compared with teens who are not drinking, according to the CDC.
Preventing Teen DUIs in Hallandale Beach
There are several things parents and other adults can do to help the young drivers in their lives stay safe:
- Set a good example: Attitudes about DUIs are set years before a teen starts driving. Always set a good example by being a responsible host, by helping others get home safely, and by avoiding DUIs yourself.
- Avoid setting “top down” rules: Just setting rules and consequences for drunk driving isn’t always going to work. It’s better if your teen discusses drunk driving with you and you create rules together.
- Have frequent, open discussions: In many cases, teens have practical concerns that need addressing. For example, they may worry about peer pressure or how to get out of a car after their notice a driver has been drinking. Discussing various possible scenarios and coming up with solutions together can help your teen feel more confident and prepares them for making good decisions.
- Make it easy for teens to make good decisions: Sometimes, teens don’t call a parent or adult friend when they have been drinking because they worry about getting in trouble. This fear can lead to tragic situations. You can make it easy for teens to get home safe by creating a “no questions” policy if your teen ever needs a safe ride home. Or, adult family members can be a safe ride home for teens if a teen is worried about calling their parents.
- Pay attention to sleep: Drowsy driving in Hallandale Beach is a key cause of accidents and when teens are sleepy, the results of any alcohol they drink will be exacerbated.
If you or your child have been injured by a drunk driver, contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with a Hallandale Beach DUI accident injury attorney. Our team has more than 60 years of combined experience, including extensive trial and negotiating experience, we can put to work on your case.