Head-on Collisions in Homestead and Florida – Why Are They So Deadly?

Head-on car crashes in Homestead and other cities have a high rate of injury and fatalities. There are a number of reasons for this:

1) The front of the car is where passengers most often are. Passengers in the front of the vehicle are likely to sustain serious or fatal injuries if the force of impact is high enough. If a truck crashes into the front of a passenger car, for example, it can push right through the crumple zone provided by the hood of the car and can crush passengers sitting in the front.


2) The force of impact in these accidents tends to be considerable. In broadside collisions in Homestead and other cities, the impact can be minimized somewhat if two vehicles glance off each other. In a head-on crash, though, two cars tend to hit each other bumper to bumper, meaning that the force of impact is intense enough to cause serious injury. The impact can be even greater if one of the vehicles is a big rig or commercial truck or if speeding is a factor in the collision.

3) These types of accidents tend to happen in higher-risk areas. Head-on car and motorcycle accidents in Homestead and other communities tend to occur on highways when passing, where speed is often a factor. They also tend to happen when a driver falls asleep or otherwise loses control of their vehicle, which means the driver has little or no chance to lessen the impact of the crash or slow down before the collision. All these issues can mean that the force of impact can be greater and the collision may be riskier for passengers.

4) There are many dangers in the front of a car. The front of a vehicle usually has many safety devices, such as side impact airbags, front impact airbags, and seat belts. All of these can protect passengers in a crash, but the front seat also has a number of dangers. The dashboard, for example, is a very hard and unforgiving surface. If airbags fail to work correctly in a car or truck accident in Homestead or your community, serious or even fatal head injuries are a very real risk. In addition, the windshield can break upon impact, sending glass or even other objects inside the vehicle and towards passengers. In both regards, the front seats tend to shield any passengers in the back of the car, which is one reason why the backseat is considered the safest place for child passengers.

Have you been injured in a head-on crash in South Florida? Flaxman Law Group would like to invite you to contact our full-service law firm for a free case assessment to explore your options for legal remedies. Depending on your situation, you may have a legal claim or insurance benefits that could help you pay for lost income, medical bills, incidental expenses, future costs, and more. Flaxman Law Group has offices in Homestead, Hollywood, and Miami and would be pleased to meet with you to review your rights.