Helmets Can Help Prevent Injuries Caused by Florida Bicycle Accidents
Bicycles have been growing in popularity over the past few years. In fact, statistics show that worldwide, there are three times as many new bicycles as there are new cars. Over the past two decades, bicycle sales worldwide have grown more quickly than car sales. Many bicycle enthusiasts love the environmentally conscious option of bicycles and plenty of bicycle enthusiasts are active people who want to get in shape.
While bicycling can mean a greener mode of transport and better health, however, it can also mean bicycle accidents. In Florida, bicycle accidents claim many lives each year and cause serious injuries. In fact, many Florida spinal cord injuries, broken bones, and other serious injuries each year are caused by bicycle accidents in Hollywood, Miami, and other Florida cities and towns.
Florida brain injuries are a common injury sustained in bicycle accidents. According to researchers, about 80% of all bicycle accident fatalities are caused by brain injuries. In p to two-thirds of patients admitted to hospital after a bicycle accident, the cause of injury is a brain injury. Patients admitted to hospital with brain injuries following a bicycle accident are 20 times more likely to die when compared with bicycle accident victims who have sustained other types of injuries.
Most bicycle accidents involving brain injuries occur during daylight and at times of heavy traffic. In most cases, these accidents occur at intersections. Since Florida cities, such as Hollywood and Miami, tend to have high traffic areas, bicycle accidents are an especial concern in the state.
Florida car accidents involving a bicyclist are especially serious. When a car and bicycle collide, the initial impact affects the lower limbs of the bicyclist as well as the bicycle. The bicyclist is generally thrown, and the head of the bicyclist can collide with the car at 25 km/h. In most cases, the bicyclist’s head collides with the windshield, the hood, or the pillars that support the windshield. If the bicyclist collides with the car at speeds of 55 km/h or more, the bicyclist will be thrown over the car and may sustain a secondary brain injury when thrown to the ground.
However, brain injuries are among the easiest injuries to prevent in Florida bicycle accidents. US researchers have found that about 23% of bicyclists who have sustained fatal injuries in a bicycle accident were intoxicated at the time of the accident. Some research has suggested that wearing a good helmet can help reduce the risk of serious brain injury in a bicycle accident by as much as 45%. Some studies suggest that helmets can help prevent the risk of brain injury by as much as 85%.