Helping Your Teen Avoid Workplace Injury in Hollywood

At this time of year, many teens in Hollywood and beyond start looking for part-time or full-time work for the summer. It’s  a great way to build skills, meet new friends, and save up for  a special purchase. Unfortunately, teens and youth have a higher workplace injury rate when compared with older workers. While your teen may be focused on finding the right job, you might want to help them find a safe job.


There are many reasons why teens have higher workplace injury rates. They may not get the safety training older and more permanent workers do. They may not know the safety rules or may be worried about speaking up when they see unsafe conditions. There are a few things you can do to help keep your child safer during their summer job:

1) Help your teen look for and research safer jobs.

Looking for work through contacts you trust may be safer than looking through classifieds. No matter how your teen job-hunts, however, be sure to research companies and workplaces together. What are the safety statistics for a specific job title? What are the risks? What can you find out about the company and their track record.

2) Know the rules.

Take the time to look up work safe rules online. Make sure your teen understands what is and is not safe and allowed in the workplace. Encourage your child to ask questions on the job and ensure your child knows they can refuse unsafe work.

3) Visit the location.

If your child is applying to work at a retail location, restaurant, or other business open to the public, drop by as a customer. Order a meal or browse at the store. Do you see obvious hazards? Does the location seem safe?

4) Review hazards with your child.

Talk about potential risks at any job and review what your teen can do to lessen those risks. For example, if your teen works at a fast-food restaurant, hot surfaces might be one hazard. What can your teen do to avoid burns? When your child is aware of and thinking about the hazards, they may be able to take the steps to prevent injury.

5) Sign up for safety training and make sure your teen follows safety rules.

If the job offers it, make sure your teen takes safety training. If a job does not offer any safety information, at least review job safety rules posted for employees or encourage your teen to take safety classes outside of work.

6) Make sure your teen’s job matches their skills set.

If your child is working at a swimming pool, for example, ensure they have the strong swimming skills needed to stay safe. If your child is working

7) Consider  potential issues outside of work.

How will your child handle getting to and from work safely? Is the workplace in a safe area? Will your teen be expected to leave the workplace as part of their job duties? If so, make sure they can do so safely.

Has your child suffered a serious workplace injury in Hollywood, Homestead or anywhere in South Florida? Contact Flaxman Law Group for a free accident consultation to find out whether your child can apply for workers’ compensation or to find out whether there are other legal options available for you. Our team has more than 60 years of combined experience and we have a track record of fully supporting injured workers across Southern Florida.