Helping Your Teen Become a Safer Driver
Part of parenting is helping your children learn how to stay safe. If you have a child who is a teenager and will soon be getting their driver’s license or has already secured their license, one of the important tasks you have as a parent is to ensure your child is the safest driver possible.
There are several things you can do to help your child avoid car accidents that can lead to injuries for them and for others on the road:
1) Encourage your child to get lots of training.
Driving is a skill, and like all skills it requires training and education as well as practice. If possible, get your child additional driving instruction, defensive driving classes, racing classes, or one-on-one time with an instructor. While driving education classes are designed for new drivers and are a great place to start, in many cases they only offer a limited amount of time in the car and on the road. The instructor’s attention may also be divided between many students, even in the car. Additional training can give your child extra training with a professional.
2) Take your child out to practice.
Driving around together can be a great way to spend time with your child. It can also be a great way for you to get a sense of how you child is doing with their driving skills and can be a great way for your child to practice without pressure and in a supportive environment.
3) Talk to your child about safe driving.
Even though you may assume your child has heard about the dangers of drunk driving, drugged driving, distracted driving, and other dangers of the road, it is still crucial to sit down and discuss safe driving with your children. Your teens may have questions about safe driving or about driving techniques and you may be able to offer them support. Messages about safety cannot be repeated often enough, so even if your teen has heard it all before, they still need to hear it from you.
4) Make sure your child is making safe choices.
Young drivers may feel pressure from friends to race, speed, and engage in other unsafe driving practices. Get to know your child’s friends and keep an eye on your child’s driving habits. Do you see them taking risks or not taking driving seriously? It is best to address these issues now, before they become habits or lead to a crash.
5) Encourage your child.
Learning to drive is a big undertaking, and you should encourage and support your child as they learn. Congratulate your child when they make safe choices and recognize their efforts to become safe drivers. Encourage your child to choose a safe vehicle and to get their vehicle maintained properly so it is as safe possible.
6) Be a good role model.
If you don’t drink and drive, speed, or take safety seriously, your children are more likely to see the importance of safe driving. When driving yourself, avoid drunk driving, distracted driving, or reckless driving. Your children may pick up on your good habits.
If you or your child have been injured by a reckless or negligent driver in Homestead, Miami, Hollywood, or anywhere in Southern Florida, contact Flaxman Law Group for a no obligation, no cost case consultation. Our attorneys can help you understand whether you have a claim and how much your claim may be worth.