Highway and Freeway Truck Crashes

Truck drivers transport their cargo on tight deadlines, and they often rely on highways and freeways in order to get their cargo to their destination faster. While freeways may be filled with trucks every day, freeways pose a special danger for trucking collisions in Homestead and other communities.

Freeways in Hollywood, Miami, and surrounding areas tend to be busy, especially during rush hour. They also tend to have higher speed limits than city streets. Together, this can create a dangerous combination in the event of a trucking accident. When a tracking accident occurs on a freeway, it is more likely that there will be other cars around the vehicle. This can easily lead to a pileup or multiple vehicle crash. In addition, the high speeds on these roadways can mean that the force of the impact is much greater, potentially leading to rollovers and other serious accidents that can crush smaller vehicles or cause serious injuries and even fatalities.

On freeways and highways in and around Hollywood and Miami, collisions can happen in an instant. Because so many cars are traveling together at high speeds, a single small mistake – such as staying in a truck’s no zones – can result in a fatal collision. On highways, it is not uncommon for multiple vehicle accidents to cause fatalities, head injuries, spinal cord injuries, and other serious injuries. Many people find their lives forever changed by freeway collisions.

Ramps pose another danger on freeways and highways. As cars decelerate and accelerated in order to get to their exit and as cars try to merge from ramps, accidents can easily occur. When these accidents involve large trucks, the results can be even more devastating.

Multiple vehicles travel along highways. This means that passenger cars share the road with motorcycles, commercial trucks, tankers, and many other types of vehicles and road users. This type of diversity can easily cause accidents if a smaller vehicle such as a motorcycle finds itself in the blind spot of a large commercial truck.

Highways can also be places where many vehicles are driving at different speeds. According to safety experts, differences in speed, rather than just speeding, are more likely to cause crashes. When a passenger car driver is driving conservatively and larger vehicles are exceeding the speed limit, the difference in speed can lead to crashes. The differences in speed can also lead to aggressive driving and anger. For example, if a driver is driving slowly in the passing lane, this can get other motorists upset and can lead to aggressive driving and an eventual accident.

If you have been injured in a freeway collision or a truck crash involving a commercial vehicle, it is important to consult with a Homestead truck accident lawyer. Commercial trucks are protected by trucking carriers and insurance companies. Even if you have been seriously injured, you may not get the full benefits you are entitled to under law and the compensation you need to pay for medical care, hospital stays, medication, lost income, and other costs.

If you need legal advice today, do not hesitate to pick up the phone and contact Flaxman Law Group. Our attorneys have more than 60 years of combined experience and are always standing by to help people who have been injured through no fault of their own. If you’re located anywhere in South Florida or have been injured in South Florida while visiting the state, contact our compassionate and professional legal team for a free accident consultation about your situation.