Holiday DUI Accidents

Despite the efforts of communities and law enforcement, DUI accidents continue to be a challenge in Miami, Hollywood, and other Florida communities. These serious accidents are tragic at any time of year, but especially so during the holidays. Families are devastated when a loved one is seriously injured or killed by an impaired driver.

The family-based team at Flaxman Law Group has seen firsthand how devastating DUI accidents can be, because we’ve worked with many families and injured people over the years who have had their lives permanently changed because of an impaired driver. We’ve put together this list of myths that contribute to DUI accidents in our community, to help you avoid these crashes.

Myth #1: A few drinks are fine.

The truth:

Not all drinks are the same. A typical 12 fl oz glass of beer, for example, has about 4.2-5% alcohol content, while 1.5 fl oz of tequila, gin, or another distilled spirit has about 40% alcohol content. Mixing drinks can make it very easy to drink more alcohol than you realize.

In addition, a few drinks or even one drink can be enough to affect your decision-making, mobility, and response times. This is especially the case if you’re taking specific types of medication or are already sleepy. Even if that doesn’t apply to you, even a small amount of alcohol can impact your driving enough to cause a DUI crash, so it’s best to abstain entirely when you know you’ll need to drive.

Myth #2: I feel fine so I’m OK to drive.

The truth:

When you drink, your judgment is impaired so you can’t trust your own perception of how sober you are. In addition, you may look and sound perfectly fine to those around you but still be over the legal limit and still be a danger on the roads. If you’ve been drinking, it’s always safer to avoid driving.

Myth #3: The best way to get home after drinking is to take a bike or to walk.

The truth:

If you take a bike home, you’re still driving under the influence. And if you walk home, your poor decision making can make it easier for you to wander into traffic or make other mistakes that cause you to be in a pedestrian traffic.

The best way to get home is to go home with a trusted friend or family member or to stay put until you sober up and can get home safely. Don’t rely on your own decision making to get you home.

Myth #4: I can just designate a driver.  

The truth:

Many drivers in Hollywood and across Florida make only one plan for getting home sober. They plan to not drink, for example, or they designate a driver. The problem is that the unexpected can happen. You can plan not to drink but end up having a few festive drinks, for example. Your designated driver could end up drinking and not be able to drive.

Set yourself up for success by having a few options when you head out to festive events. Have money for a hotel room or taxi home. Have a designated driver or two you can call. Having backup plans and even leaving your car at home so you can’t drive after drinking can help you make good decisions.

Myth #4: I’ll just have a coffee.  

The truth:

Only time will make you sober up. A coffee or energy drink can make you feel less tired, but your judgement and response times will still be affected enough to put you at risk of a car crash.

Contact Us If You’re Injured

If you’re injured by an impaired driver this holiday season, don’t lose your rights to fair compensation for your injuries, car repairs, lost wages, and other losses. Call a Hollywood DUI claims attorney right away to start protecting your rights and building your case. You can call Flaxman Law Group at 866-352-9626 any time of the day or night to set up a free accident consultation. Our family-based law firm has been looking out for local drivers and residents for decades and we’d be happy to speak with you about your potential case.