How Driver Impairment Leads to Car Crashes in North Miami Beach
In North Miami Beach, driver impairment is a major cause of car crashes and injuries. In fact, across Florida about one in four car collision fatalities are caused by driver impairment.
While most drivers think impaired driving only means driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol, in Florida DUI car accidents can also be caused by consuming over-the-counter drugs, prescription medication, and illegal drugs. Any time a driver takes a substance which impacts their ability to drive, they may be driving impaired.
Why Does Driver Impairment Still Happen?
There have been many awareness campaigns in North Miami Beach to prevent driver impairment, but car crashes related to DUI still happen. This is because:
- Impairment can be caused by addiction and a complex host of social challenges
- Some drivers may not consider themselves impaired, especially if they are taking over-the-counter or prescription medication
- Someone who is impaired is not only unfit to drive, but they may not be able to make good decisions about whether they are safe to drive.
Preventing Driver Impairment in North Miami Beach
Everyone has a responsibility to prevent DUI accidents in North Miami Beach. We can all do our part by:
- Talking to our pharmacist: Pharmacists can tell patients if prescriptions or a combination of medications can impact your ability to drive. If you take prescriptions and over-the-counter treatments, especially, check with your pharmacist about any potential interactions.
- Driving sober: Always drive when you are completely sober. Avoid driving even if you are “only buzzed.”
- Checking medication labels: Always read the labels on prescription and over-the-counter medication you take. If any of them list drowsiness or sleepiness as a side effect, do not drive after taking the medication.
- Evaluating our condition before getting behind the wheel: Before hopping in your car, check to make sure you are fit to drive. Do you feel sleepy or tired? Do you feel slightly unfocused? If you have any symptoms which mean you are not able to fully focus, take an alternative form of transportation.
What to Do if You Have Been in a Car Crash
If you have been in a car accident and suspect the other driver may be under the influence, call the police. Driving under the influence is a crime and you’ll want the police to remove the driver from the road so they can’t hurt others. It’s also important to contact police so they can gather documentation (such as a blood alcohol test) to prove the driver’s negligence.
If you have been injured in a DUI, you may have a legal claim and be able to seek compensation for your injuries. Contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with a North Miami Beach car accident attorney to find out whether you have a claim.