How Speed Causes Catastrophic Car Crashes

Speeding is a major hazard on Hollywood and South Florida roads. Studies suggest that each 1 km/hour increase in speed can increase accident risk an average of 3%. Speed limits are carefully set in Hollywood and other communities. Usually, engineers consider terrain, average speeds of drivers in an area, visibility, and traffic flow when deciding posted speed limits. When motorists exceed these safe speeds, they put themselves and others in danger.


People speed for any number of reasons: impatience, road rage, and distraction. There’s no reason for speeding, however. The rules of the road – including speed limits – apply to all drivers for a reason.

Speed hurts communities

1) Speed puts vulnerable road users at risk.

Speeding increases the risk of traffic accidents for everyone, but bicyclists, motorcyclists, and pedestrians are especially at risk because they aren’t protected by a car. The higher the speed, the more likely it is that bicyclists, motorcyclists, or pedestrians will be killed in a crash. According to WHO, if a car strikes an adult pedestrian at 31mph, the risk of a fatality is under 20%, but the risk of fatality jumps to nearly 60% if the car is traveling 50mph.

2) Speed increases the force of crashes.

When a car crashes at a higher speed, the force of the crash is greater. There are more likely to be serious injuries or even fatalities in a high-speed crash, which is one reason why highway accidents in Hollywood and South Florida tend to be more serious than collisions on city streets.

3) Speed increases car emissions.

When cars speed, they release more emissions and the car’s system also suffers more; cars that are routinely driven fast need more maintenance more often than cars driven at lower speeds. Studies have shown that reducing speed limits in communities can help reduce emissions.

4) Speed reduces margin of error.

If you’re driving at a lower speed and something unexpected happens – such as a child or deer running out on the road in front of you – you have more time to react and avoid the collision. When your speed increases, the length of road your car travels every second increases dramatically, so when you’re speeding it’s often too late by the time you notice a hazard. You simply don’t have time to react to reduce the force of the impact or avoid the crash.

There are plenty of ways to reduce speeding on our roads:

  • Educational campaigns
  • Enforcement
  • Creating reduced-speed zones in school areas and high-pedestrian-traffic areas

If you have been hit by a speeding driver, you may have a claim. Contact Flaxman Law Group to find out whether you have a case. Our law firm is pleased to offer free accident consultations so you can get the facts about your rights. The attorneys at Flaxman Law Group have more than 60 years of combined experience and a high rate of client satisfaction. Our team is always willing to go further for clients to provide the caring, professional, and attentive legal services our clients deserve.