Common Myths About Injury Cases That Hurt Florida Victims

There are lots of mistruths out there about personal injury cases, but perhaps the biggest misconception perhaps is that victims are somehow greedy or grasping for pursuing larger settlements rather than accepting the offers that insurance companies often make outright. Unfortunately, sometimes the media or even casual observers repeat these misconceptions and make injury victims feel guilty or bad about pursuing a larger settlement for their injuries. Of course, defendants and insurers are sometimes all too happy to repeat this notion. The truth is, pursuing a fairer settlement makes sense for many reasons:

1) The initial offer made by an insurance company often is made very quickly, before the full extent of the injuries and damage is known. There is simply no way to know the extent of the damage without a thorough investigation and professional evaluations. A good Florida attorney can ensure that these investigations are carried out so that all the facts are in place before a dollar sum is determined.

2) Florida laws governing personal injury cases exist not in order to make a profit for victims but to really help them. These laws help ensure that if someone was reckless or negligent and caused another person harm, the victim will not have to pay for the medical expenses and other costs associated with the injury. Why should the victim have to bear the brunt and suffer the financial consequences of someone else’s poor judgement?

3) Many injuries have long-reaching repercussions that can cost a victim many thousands of dollars more than they anticipated. A simple slip and fall accident, for example, can leave a victim unable to perform basic tasks and errands, which means that the victim must pay someone else to perform these basic services. It is scarcely fair that the costs for these services would come from the victim’s own pocket. Many injuries – including spinal cord injuries and brain injuries – require home care and other medical services not covered by health insurance. These services may be needed for many years or even a lifetime, and of course inflation must be factored in when considering the total cost of these injuries. Many initial offers from insurance companies consider only the immediate, known, and short-term costs. The victim who accepts this sort of compensation without an experienced Florida attorney by his or her side could find themselves in debt or even losing their home in a few years’ time, when the true cost of the injury becomes evident.

4) In many cases, there is a big discrepancy between the resources of the victim and the resources of the defendant. Many insurance companies have enormous resources that are designed to help victims of injuries. The victim asking for fair compensation for an injury is certainly not causing these companies any discomfiture and should never be made to feel guilty or wrong for pursuing a fair settlement.

5) In many cases, injuries have unexpected complications that must also be factored in when deciding on a fair settlement. If a bone does not heal properly, for example, it can take an injury victim many more months to return to work than anticipated. The loss of income can result in real financial distress.

A good Florida personal attorney lawyers weighs many factors when deciding on a fair compensation amount to request on behalf of a client. In many cases, this award can help ensure that injury victims get the medical help and financial help they need to carry on with their lives. If you have been injured due to someone’s negligence or recklessness, do not let someone’s misconceptions about compensation create a mountain of debt and distress for you. If you need to speak to a Florida attorney, arrange a free, no-obligation consultation with a qualified Florida lawyer by calling 1- 800-535-2962 (1 800 5 FLAXMAN).