Help Your Teen Avoid Halloween Car Accidents in Miami
If you have a new teenage driver in your household this year, bear in mind that Halloween can pose a higher than usual risk of Miami car accidents. If your teen is out and about on Halloween, he or she will have to contend not only with night driving, but also with lots of children in costume running around. Unfortunately, some children do get overly excited on Halloween and may run out into traffic. Drivers who are out on this night need to be extra cautious. New drivers may not yet have the skills to deal with the added stress and dangers of Halloween driving. To ensure that your new teen driver is safe on the roads, consider:
1) Discussing the dangers of Halloween driving. If your teen will be out and about driving on Halloween night, make sure that he or she understands that Halloween is a riskier night than usual, simply because of the larger number of children out on the streets. The higher level of pedestrian traffic increases the risk of Miami pedestrian accidents Talk to your teen about the dangers, and work together to find a solution that will help keep your teen safe on the roads. Get your teen to come up with their own ideas for staying safe – teens are more likely to follow safety rules if they propose them.
2) Ensure that your teen will be turning off all mobile devices while driving on Halloween. Halloween is no time to be texting and driving or talking on a cell phone and driving. On this night, drivers, especially, need to place their entire focus on the road. Ensure that your teen understands the dangers, and is willing to turn off their mobile device before getting in the car.
3) Make sure your teen has get home safe plan in case they attend a party where there is drinking. Many Halloween parties for older teens do involve drinking, and like all holidays, Halloween night can mean a higher risk of Miami drunk driving accidents. To avoid a serious injury, ensure that your teen knows that they can call you or a friend to get a safe and sober ride home – no questions asked. Make sure that your teen also has enough cab fare to get home safely as well.
4) Be wary of Halloween pranks and where your teen is going on Halloween. Unfortunately, many older teens do engage in risk-taking activities on Halloween night. Smashing pumpkins, playing pranks, and even toilet papering houses can lead to aggressive confrontations and even personal injury. Make sure that your teens understand the dangers of risk taking. If you’re not sure about your teen’s safety on Halloween night, consider arranging an event or party at home.
If you or a loved one are injured due to Halloween events, contact the Flaxman Law Group for quick and reliable legal assistance. Arrange for a free initial consultation with the Flaxman Law Group to discuss your case and your options. With thousands of cases successfully completed, the legal team at the Flaxman Law Group is poised to help the entire South Florida community.